Questions tagged [carpaccio]

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7 votes
4 answers

Precautions making carpaccio

I saw in TV chefs making carpaccio. They get a nice raw meat and fillet them in thin pieces. Then they make a sauce and side dishes. Isn't eating this raw meat dangerous?
-2 votes
1 answer

Pumpkin carpaccio: correct use of the name

IN my view, carpaccio is thinly sliced beef, nothing else. But now, it seem OK to serve salmon carpaccio, or even, as I recently saw, pumpkin carpaccio. Am I to assume that everything thinly sliced ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is it safe to keep Carpaccio in a refrigerator for 24 hours?

I have just made some home-made Carpaccio from thinly sliced beef rump, lemon juice, olive oil and Parmigiano. Is it safe to keep the Carpaccio in the fridge for 24 hours?