Questions tagged [dairy-free]

Techniques and substitutions for cooking and baking without dairy products such as milk and cheese from cows or goats. This is pertinent when cooking for people who are lactose intolerance and / or allergic to milk or casein.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

How can I make my the colour of non-dairy flan more like a classic flan?

Hello Seasoned Advice community, I'm looking for some flan advice please! Thanks in advance for your answers. A family member has a dairy allergy, so for several years have been swapping cow milk out ...
ChristopheLynch's user avatar
2 votes
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When making Vegan Carnitas, BBQ, & etc., is canned green jackfruit superior to fresh green jackfruit? What about frozen?

weI have seen a lot of debate regarding the use of green/young jackfruit as a meat substitute in vegan cooking, but the opinions i find on the subject are all simply reading copy, or incorporating ...
Rachelle Greene's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Non dairy types of milk taste raw seeds/nuts, how to get rid of it?

I usually use sunflower seeds to make homemade non dairy milk and it has a taste of raw seeds and homemade soy milk has the same issues. Well, it's an issue for me.
Marina Dunst's user avatar