Questions tagged [kohlrabi]

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9 votes
10 answers

What do I do with a kohlrabi? [closed]

I've recieved several kohlrabi from my CSA, and I have no idea what to do with them. I found a recipe for a curry using kohlrabi, but it wasn't great. Does anyone have suggestions on how to get the ...
1 vote
3 answers

How soft does a Kohlrabi get when cooked?

I'm told Kohlrabi will soften when cooked, but I cut it in medallions and it still seemed really firm after stir-frying. How soft can I expect it to get?
Yamikuronue's user avatar
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How do you prepare/cook Kohl Rabi?

I regularly get an organic veg box, which occasionally contains items that I'm less familiar with, or are more challenging to make something delicious with. One that causes me a lot of trouble is Kohl ...
Rowland Shaw's user avatar