How quickly are you using the eggs? If you can't get through a carton of eggs in a week (no matter the size you're buying), I'd store them in the fridge, simply because eggs will age faster at room temperature -- I normally estimate a week of aging for every day out of the fridge, but it varies with time of year, etc.
Also, consider how you're going to be using the eggs -- if you're making crepes, whipping egg whites and other recipes that require warm eggs, I'd be more likely to leave them out.
Personally, I refrigerate -- not because I think warm eggs are unhealthy, but because I don't have a good place to store them otherwise. Also, as I don't have central air conditioning, I don't air condition my kitchen, and it's been in the 90s or above (F) for the last few weeks.
I also don't know how much truth there is to the eggs picking up flavors -- I tend to add things to my eggs (onion, pepper, etc.) that I don't know I'd have a clean egg flavor coming through; maybe if I were making meringue I'd be concerned, but I could also just put the eggs into a container that seals well. I guess as you can easily keep eggs for a month or more in the fridge, it'd have more time to absorb flavors, if nothing else.