I've been trying for awhile now to make a bean-like paste for burritos/nachos/etc. akin to Refried Beans I so enjoyed while living in North America. What I've got so far isn't half bad, but I'd really like to improve on this, if possible.
Here's how I do it now:
- Empty beans into strainer; wash with cold water.
- Put beans into pan slightly under water and bring to boil.
- Lightly simmer until beans come out of their shells.
- Turn heat down to min; Drain off 3/4 of the water.
- Mash mash mash away.
- Add spices and mix; let water burn evaporate until consistency is to my liking.
NOTE: I only recently added steps 2-4 in an attempt at mashing the shells better. It has not helped. If I remove those steps, the entire process takes maybe 10 minutes (= happy stomachs :)
No matter how much or long I cook and/or mash the beans (while adding water), the skin never quite "liquidizes" so there are these annoying strainy-blobs that everyone complains about.
I usually use Red and White Kidney Beans
or some kind of baked beans in tomato sauce
, simply because I don't have to cook them at all i.e. I can eat them out of the can and they taste good :) Perhaps that logic is bad and I should be using other beans (assuming I can find them here) ?