To get bone marrow out of whole beef bones, and for serving bone marrow in a bone piece on the plate nicely, you need to cut the bone into slices. It is a lot of work manually even for one cut, even more so doing several cuts on each bone for several bones.
I would also like to cut large fish like salmon into evenly sliced steaks. I can do it with a big knife, but they are uneven cuts, I would like perfectly even cuts like in frozen salmon slices from the supermarket.
There are electric butcher's bandsaws for this, but all I can find are huge machines, being in the form of a whole table. Do there exist any portable, semi-portable or at least in any form which can be placed on the counter-top? Or any other solution to achieve such cuts in cow leg marrow bones and big fish, without tiring myself out? On average would be doing several cuts a day.