I am trying to emulate a hamburger recipe I ate at a restaurant with some green chili pepper (Chile Verde) which I really enjoyed.

My problem relies on how to cook it, if I just use the pan it burns or does not reach the soft consistency I am looking for.

Is there any way I can easily tenderize the chili pepper?


1 Answer 1


Roast in a hot oven, over grill or direct flame, or in cast iron. Whole...until skin is dark and blistered. Remove from heat carefully. Place in a bowl and cover with plastic. Allow to cool. The peppers will continue to steam as they cool. Wipe off skin. Then de-seed and dice. They will be tender.

  • This work perfectly. I know it was sort of basic but thanks for your time and knowledge.
    – J. Bringas
    Commented Mar 23, 2021 at 0:13

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