I have a large, carbon steel comal. As is usual, the main things I make on it are made from masa. One of the few things that will adhere to even good seasoning on carbon steel or cast iron is dry, burnt starch, which seems to bond to the seasoning.
Online instructions on cleaning comals do not seem to take this burned on crud into account. For example, Masienda says:
In the event that food is stuck or burnt to Comal's surface, you'll need a little water to loosen the debris. Again, DO NOT USE SOAP OR A SOAKING BATH. Gently scrub the schmutz off with a bristle brush or sponge (never a scouring pad) and use a small amount of water.
This is vastly misleading, because the burnt masa I need to scrub off has roughly the adherence and hardness of plaster. It can be removed with chainmail or with a hard scraper, but not "gently" or without using soap.
So, questions:
- How do I scrub the burnt masa off the comal, while removing the minimum amount of seasoning? Chainmail seems removes most of it, but not all, and it takes off the surrounding seasoning in the process.
- Are there extra things I can do around seasoning this comal that would make the masa burn on less? It's been seasoned using a "wok" process, with 5 seasoning cycles.