Yesterday I made ghee in the oven by cooking sweet butter for 2hrs in the oven at low temp. I filtered the resulting liquid through cheese cloth and let the resulting clear liquid sit overnight.

Today, the ghee has congealed into a solid, as it should. However, on top of it is an oily liquid. I poured some into a glass and added water, and the two liquids don't mix, so it's not water left over from the butter (good news). Still, I'm confused why I don't end up with a uniform material.

2 Answers 2


Some butter is mixed with sunflower oil in order to make it more spreadable. Have you checked the ingredients list (if there is one) on the butter?

  • That was pure butter from pastured cows.
    – JDelage
    Commented Jul 12, 2011 at 21:49
  • 1
    In the US at least, such a product would have to be labeled a "spread" or something other than butter...
    – SAJ14SAJ
    Commented Jul 18, 2013 at 13:22

Whatever it is, it is no good.

Since it is congealed, it should be a snap to remove, allowing you to carry on with your life, your mind at rest.

  • I just think it's different types of oils which have different properties. Oils congeal at various temperatures depending on their makeup. I am suspecting two different types of oils were in the butter.. Do check the ingredient list in the butter.
    – notthetup
    Commented Mar 12, 2011 at 15:22

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