Here's a really nice table: Culinary conversion calculators. It has quite a list of spices. Note that, as previously mentioned, you need to compare the weight of the whole and ground spices.
Also, freshly ground spices are a gazillion times more flavourful than spice purchased already ground!
See link to Chef's Resources for up-to-date information. To protect against link rot, the current state of the table (with lines w/out values removed) is below:
Spices Oz per Cup Tbl per Oz tsp per Oz
------------------------ --------- ---------- ----------
Ajwain 2.40 6.67 20
Allspice, Ground 3.37 4.75 14.33
Anise, Ground 4 12
Anise Seeds 3.56 4.50 13.5
Annato Powder (Achiote) 5.19 3.10 9.25
Basil, Ground 2.67 6 18
Bay Leaves 1.33 36/oz
Bay Leaves, Ground 3.79 4.20 12.66
Caraway, Ground 5 15
Caraway Seed 4.10 3.90 11.70
Cardamom, Ground 3.31 4.80 14.50
Cayenne 3.56 4.50 13.50
Celery Salt 8.42 1.90 5.70
Celery Seed 3.81 4.20 12.60
Celery Seed, Ground 4.00 4.00 12.00
Chervil Leaves 1.12 14.33 43.00
Chili Flakes, Red 2.82 5.67 17.00
Chili Pods, Casabel 9/oz
Chili Pods, Arbol 50/oz
Chili Pods, Guajullo 5/oz
Chili Pods, Japones 80/oz
Chili Pods, Morita 9/oz
Chili Pods, Pasilla 2/oz
Chili Pods, Paquin 500/oz
Chili Powder 3.76 4.25 12.75
Chinese 5 Spice 3.76 4.25 12.75
Chives 34 46.67 140
Cinnamon 4.09 3.92 11.75
Cloves, Ground 3.69 4.33 13
Cloves, Whole 3.00 5.33 16
Coffee, Espresso Grind 2.82 5.67 17
Coriander, Ground 3.35 4.78 14.33
Coriander Seeds 2.29 7 21
Cream of Tartar 6.40 2.50 7.50
Cumin, Ground 3.38 4.73 14.20
Cumin Seeds 3.84 4.17 12.50
Curry Powder 3.62 4.42 13.25
Dextrose, Powdered 3 9
Dill Seed 3.69 4.33 13
Dill Weed 1.70 9.42 28.25
Epazote 1.60 10 30
Fennel, Ground 3.72 4.30 12.90
Fennel Seed 3.69 4.33 13
Fenugreek Seed 6.19 2.58 7.75
Fermento 4 12
Flour, AP 4.25
Garlic, Granulated 5.65 2.83 8.50
Garlic Powder 4.49 3.57 10.70
Garlic Salt 8 2 6
Ginger 3.25 4.92 14.75
Herbs du Provence 1.45 11 33
Hibiscus Flowers 40/oz
Kosher Salt 6.02 2.66 8
Lavender, Dry 1.07 15 45
Mace 3.24 4.93 14.80
Marjoram 1.41 11.33 34
Mint Leaves .53 30 90
MSG 6.40 2.50 7.50
Mustard Ground 3.43 4.67 14
Mustard Seeds 6.40 2.50 7.50
Nutmeg 3.87 4.13 12.40
Onion Powder 3.75 4.27 12.80
Orange Peel 4 4 12
Oregano Leaves 1.71 9.33 28
Paprika 3.84 4.17 12.50
Parsley Flakes .69 23.33 70
Pepper, Black Coarse 3.84 4.17 12.50
Pepper, Black Cracked 4 4 12
Pepper, Black Table Grind 4 4 12
Pepper Flakes, Red Crushed 2.82 5.67 17
Pepper, Szechwan 2 8 24
Pepper, White Ground 4.12 3.88 11.50
Peppercorns, Black 4.57 3.50 10.50
Peppercorns, Pink 7.50
Peppercorns, White 4 4 12
Pickling Spice 5.33 3 9
Poppy Seed 4.80 3.33 10
Pumpkin Spice 3 5.33 16
Rosemary, Ground 2.82 5.67 17
Rosemary Leaves 1.78 9 27
Saffron 1.20 13.33 40
Sage, Ground 1.45 11 33
Salt, Kosher (Diamond Crystal) 4.80 3.33 10
Salt, Kosher (Morton) 8.73 1.83 5.50
Salt, Seasoning (Johnny’s) 8.21 1.95 5.85
Salt, Table 10.13 1.58 4.74
Savory Leaves 2.67 6 18
Sesame Seeds, White 4.37 3.66 11
Sugar, Granulated 6.86 2.33 7
Sugar, Brown 1.5 4.5
Sugar, Granulated 1.5 4.5
Tarragon Leaves 1.30 12.33 37
Thyme, Ground 3.75 11.25
Thyme Leaves 2.29 7 21
Turmeric 4 4 12
Wasabi Powder 2.70 5.75 17.25
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