I am looking to buy a food processor to do very small batches of fruit and vegetables. Very basic, very cheap....and i am looking for something manual(not electricity). Is there a manual version existing? What is it called?
2 Answers
I believe the term you're looking for is 'chopper'. Here and here for example.
This, a draw string powered chopper, is an interesting idea as well - I have difficultly believing it can produce enough force though.
And there's the rotating handle, crank kind.
You've got options.
Or even more basic, 'knife' ;)
Thanks. My knife skills are not that good. the links that you posted...it does not say if it is manual or electricity operated. What do you think?– KaushikCommented Sep 20, 2011 at 14:53
Its manual, you tap down on it and it cuts and rotates the blade coming up. Then the next time it cuts and rotates, then cuts and rotates, etc...– rfuscaCommented Sep 20, 2011 at 15:24
Electric version here: amazon.com/Black-Decker-EHC650-2-Speed-Chopper/dp/B00005MF97– rfuscaCommented Sep 20, 2011 at 15:24
1Considering 'honing' ;) your knife skills though. Food choppers have their place but they get dull and some can be a pain to clean.– rfuscaCommented Sep 20, 2011 at 15:26
1Really not complete without: youtube.com/watch?v=UWRyj5cHIQA Commented Sep 20, 2011 at 15:43
Mandoline. Depending on what model you get it can slice, dice, grate, and chip!
US$20 will get you a basic one. The better ones are often a long running brand with replaceable blades