I have tried making English muffins a few times. Each time the flavor was good but I didn't end up with the open interior texture that I expect from storebought English muffins.

I let them proof for the amount of time recommended by the recipe- about an hour. I cooked them on an electric skillet. They took a bit longer to cook than the recipe called for- about 5 minutes per side if I recall.

What do I have to do to encourage the formation of large holes and an open interior texture in my English muffins?

  • 1
    Could you post or link to the recipe? One unfortunately common problem is that a lot of recipes out there just plain don't work.
    – derobert
    Feb 25, 2012 at 0:57

1 Answer 1


I found a great recipe for English muffins, which is a variation on Alton Brown's recipe. Basically, the variation calls for adding a bit of baking soda after proofing the dough.

I've made this recipe a couple of times, with very satisfying results. The yeast flavor is a bit strong for those used to store-bought, but I like it.

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