Some years ago I tried Norwegian brown cheese Brunost. I am aware that technically it is not cheese and it is brown and very sweet due to caramelized milk sugar.

I was wondering - is there any other use of this cheese other than a sandwich with some butter and possibly jam/marmalade?

  • 1
    Congratulations, you seem to have found a good use case for our disputed culinary-uses tag! Normally we would close such a question if the ingredient is unknown to the asker, but recipes abound in its home cuisine (especially when there are translations freely available). I checked this and it seems that not even the Norwegians have much recipes with Brunost.
    – rumtscho
    Commented Aug 13, 2013 at 8:58
  • 2
    Dunno if I've ever met brunost, but my standard answer to "how do you eat gjetost?" is "with a knife, thank you". (Similar to "what do you like to eat Nutella with?" "A spoon.")
    – Marti
    Commented Aug 14, 2013 at 15:28
  • 1
    Based on the wikipedia entry, it might make a good fire starter. (re: a truckload of it burning for 5 days)
    – Joe
    Commented Mar 26, 2015 at 10:37

3 Answers 3


Brunost is often used in Norwegian cooking, especially in brown sauces. E.g. like this.

I have personly used brunost for such a recipe, and it does add a very nice flavor to the sauce.

Here is a link to several recepies using brunost, from Tine the biggest maker of brunost in Norway)

Hope this helps, Best wishes from Norway!


I usually eat it with my (homemade) hamburgers - I use it instead of cheddar cheese. Also, I've seen Swedes eat it on rye crispbread (Knäckebröd).

Never tried it with jam! I am experimenting making homemade brunost with walnuts in it... Maybe next time I will try adding pistachios. Bon apetit! Be creative and share the results :)


I make a pizza with it!


  • fig spread
  • mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • gjetost, shredded
  • pancetta (diced, or thin slices)
  • scallions (chopped)


  • Spread a thin layer of fig spread on pizza crust
  • sprinkle with mozzarella and gjetost (2:1 ratio, or to taste)
  • pancetta goes on next
  • top with scallions

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