Your end result if you follow that recipe would weigh approximately 22 ounces, or 1 pound 6 ounces, or 1.375 pounds. (There are 16 ounces in a pound. Fluid ounce and ounce as a unit of weight are not exactly the same thing, but pretty darn close considering the ingredients you are working with; there are 8 fluid ounces in an American "cup", a "fluid ounce" of water weighs one ounce)
In the future if you have questions like this with other ingredients (particularly how much does a volumetric measurement [1 cup, or 1 Tablespoon] of an ingredient weigh), you might find this chart helpful: Master Weight Chart
Maybe this will help too: To make 1 pound of your recipe you would need 330g of Cream Cheese, 82g of Sour Cream and 41g of Whipping Cream.