I bought chicken thighs from a large super market, portioned them and froze them for future use. (bought 2 weeks ago) I defrosted a pound in the fridge today, and as I was getting ready to trim the fat and dice the thighs, I noticed bright red blood "forming" a gritty film on top. These are boneless, skinless mind you, and there wasn't blood on or in the chicken (that I saw) when I froze, then thawed them. To make it more unusual, it was like a film that I could peel and scrub off. As I was scrubbing the blood off under running water, I noticed one of the thighs looked like it had a rash maybe? I don't know now to explain it.. Like it had blisters that have been sloughed off or healed? Divots in the skin, in round circles, in a couple of patches.
If I scrub or cut away that part of the chicken, is it still ok to eat? I've honestly never seen this before in my 35 years.