Hi all,
I am new here; so first of all, NICE TO MEET YOU!
I want to ask for potatoes storage; as the title said. I usually fry potatoes with the following steps ( I am sure these are good tips ).
- Cut potatoes into tiny stick vertically.
- Put them all in salted water for 10 minutes or around.
- Get them out and fry them.
- Put a little water into frying pan to make sure it's not raw and cooked faster than normal.
But how can I store them for the next morning? As I am working and busy alone, I rather cut them in the evening when I came back home from work and cooked them in the morning before going to work. : I cut and put them in salted water and I refrigerated them in a bowl. and when it's morning, they can't be eaten anymore.
Any tips/ help?