Your biggest challenge is the very small amount you're cooking, especially at full power.
I've been trying to lessen my children's intake of rice, while not leaving their appetites disappointed. I also use basmati (or occasionally a higher quality dinorado) and to avoid them sneaking 'snacks' of rice, I simply don't cook more than 1/2 a cup at a time.
What I do is make a pilaf of sorts, with quinoa or sometimes couscous filling the other half a cup. I always use a good stock instead of water, preferably one that still has a tad bit of fat in it.
Rice, quinoa and couscous use approximately the same measure of liquid by volume to cook, what you have to watch out for is the cooking time. Quinoa and rice cook at pretty much the same time, couscous and risoni (orzo) require shorter and longer cooking times respectively.
So, this is what I recommend you do:
Turn down the power level on your microwave in favor of longer cooking time, even though you're cooking a full cup (even though it's only 1/2 rice). It's too little rice for too much power for too short of a time. Get some fat in there, even if it's just a smidge of butter.
Cook the stuff you want in your pilaf separately, first, at 50 - 60% power to figure out how long they actually take to get to the right doneness and consistency. Make notes.
Finally, you should have a pretty good idea of how to cook the pilaf
You don't have to make the pilaf, you could just go with plain basmati at a lower power / longer cook with a bit more liquid, but that's still an awfully small amount to cook using microwaves. The root of it is, you need a bit more substance in the dish for it to cook properly using that method.
I have a small 3 - 4 cup rice cooker that I normally use, but even it won't do 1/2 a cup very well, so I still use the microwave for such small amounts. I just put more into it, so it cooks properly and evenly.