Starting point:
I was trying to follow a red velvet cake recipe from the internet, but since I always try to replace industrial/artificial ingredients by more "natural" ones (just out of curiosity), I decided to replace the buttermilk and the liquid red food color with red pitaya pulp (which is tasteless and mostly made of water, similar to carrots, which can also turn into good cakes).
The recipe I've found is as follow:
! – 200ml of (whole) milk
– 1 table spoon of lime juice
(left to rest for 10 minutes)
-> replacement for buttermilk (which is unusual to find here)
– 3 teacups of wheat flour
– 2 teacups of sugar
! – 1 table spoons of cocoa powder
– 3 tea spoons of baking soda (1 table spoon)
– 1 tea spoon of salt
! – 1 table spoon of baking powder
– 100g of unsalted soft (non-refrigerated) butter
– 2 eggs
! – 3 tea spoons of white vinegar (1 table spoon)
– 1 tea spoon of vanilla extract
! – 4 table spoons of liquid red food color
– 5 more table spoons of lime juice
and I've changed it to that:
! – 300g of fresh red pitaya pulp
– 1 table spoon of lime juice
– 3 teacups of wheat flour
– 2 teacups of sugar
! – 1 table spoons of cocoa powder
! – 5 tea spoons of baking soda
– 1 tea spoon of salt
– 100g of unsalted soft (non-refrigerated) butter
– 2 eggs
! – 4 tea spoons of white vinegar
– 2 tea spoons of vanilla extract
! – 2 table spoons of anatto*
– 5 more table spoons of lime juice
Besides replacing milk and food color with pitaya pulp (turned to juice), I added 2 table spoons of anatto and replaced the 1 table spoon of baking powder with 2 more tea spoons of baking soda and 1 more tea spoon of vinegar, since I always do this for every cake recipe.
Perfect in matters of structure/texture, taste and smell... BUT after half of the time in the oven, it started turning from a dark reddish purple to honey cake brown.
Was my idea of replacement a guaranteed failure with regard to the resulting color? did I missed something? Is there any trick or technique I could/should try to preserve the natural color of pitaya through the baking process? More acid ingredients, like lime juice? Less of them, maybe? Does anyone knows how much heat can pitaya pigments (betalain?) take before stopping giving vivid colors (?) and if there are any other natural red/purple pigment more heat-resistant (?). (note that its vivid color survived until half of the baking process)