I'm going to have a very large crop of Thai chilis this year. I'd like to make a large batch of sweet chili sauce. Can this be canned like you would jelly or jam so that it's shelf stable?
1 Answer
Absolutely, provided that it has sufficient salt and/or acid content, which is fairly easy for a chili sauce. The Ball Jar Company even has a recipe for it. You could also turn it into a jelly and store it.
3Important nitpick: the salt in contemporary canning recipes is not a factor in preservation (unlike pickling recipes). What you need is sufficient acid. Best to follow tested recipes, such as those you linked.– rumtscho ♦Commented Dec 18, 2018 at 11:22
rumtscho: I was thinking of Samal Oelek, or chili crunch, both of which are primarily preserved by salt (they have a lot). Commented Dec 18, 2018 at 17:00