Linked Questions

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How to keep the surface of the cake from splitting? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do you make a cake lift equally and minimize doming? Or is it natural for it to happen because the top layer has expanded? what should I do if I wanted to make an even-...
Uday Kanth's user avatar
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How can I prevent my honey cake from splitting open? [duplicate]

I've made honey cake pretty often, and it almost always splits open in the middle. Why does that happen and how can I prevent it? Edit: attaching a picture of the cakes I just made Basic recipe (not ...
clueless's user avatar
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How do you minimize cake doming? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to make a cake lift equally? I'm working on a layer cake for a birthday and did a test run today since I really have no experience with baking cakes. I had some severe ...
Ryan Elkins's user avatar
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Why does my cake rise more in the center? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do you make a cake lift equally and minimize doming? I recently started baking and my cakes always seem to rise more in the center, creating a sort of bump. It has never ...
Dharini Chandrasekaran's user avatar
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Making cake icing look professionally smooth

So you've got a nice, flat-topped cake after learning on Seasoned Advice how to eliminate doming and now you wish to ice it as perfectly smooth as you see it sometimes done commercially: no ridges ...
jontyc's user avatar
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How to trim a cake so it's level?

If you cake is too domed, you can just cut the top off, right? Thing is, I tried this, and now my cake is taller on one side than the other. So it's still not flat! ;-) Does anybody have any good ...
MathematicalOrchid's user avatar
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Correct way to join two halves of sponge cake?

When you join two halves of sponge cake (as in this photo) which way round are you supposed to do it? The instructions I've used seem to assume what comes out of your two cake tins are two fairly even,...
Tea Drinker's user avatar
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Why is my cake rising sideways while baking?

Here is what my cake looks like: I'm using the following ingredients to make the cake: 1 egg wheat flour milk some kind of flavour essence like vanilla essence pinch of baking powder pinch of baking ...
Mugen's user avatar
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Will newspaper covering a cake pan catch fire in the oven?

I need my cakes to bake flat. I have been told to cover the cake tin with newspaper secured with sellotape, but wouldn't this catch on fire in the oven?
Ana Ganem's user avatar
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What temperature and time should I use for a cupcake recipe?

I am having difficulty baking a vanilla and chocolate cup-size cake. The ingredients are as follows: 12 (1 ounce) squares semisweet chocolate, chopped 1 cup butter, cut into pieces 1 cup cold milk 1 ...
Anderson Karu's user avatar
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How much can I change the height of a cake?

It's pretty common to find cake recipes with pans that don't match the size of pans you have. I know ideally you would make sure total area of the pans is the same as in the original recipe, so that ...
Cascabel's user avatar
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How to bake the Betty Crocker Super Moist White Cake

Firstly - I have a Betty Crocker super moist white cake mix which is 16.25 oz. Would putting all of the 16.25 oz cake mix in a 9 x 1.5 inch wilton round pan not be a good idea? If it's not a good idea,...
Jessy's user avatar
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How to achieve a super leavened cake as the Pierre Herme ones?

I made several cakes in my life. I know the difference between different leavening agents. I know that low temperature tends to make flatter cakes, but I never could get this kind of shape. If I use a ...
NArgento's user avatar
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Weird air pockets/bubbles on bottom of cake

I've been baking this recipe for over a year now, flavour and texture are wonderful, the guests love it but half of the time I get these air pockets on the bottom of the cake. The air pockets appear ...
maya's user avatar
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How should I adjust the baking temperature?

I just baked a sponge cake, its sides are fluffy and fine but in the middle it's a bit stiff. When I stick a toothpick in the center it comes out clean and when I cut the cake up, it's not wet. So how ...
arax's user avatar
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