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Questions tagged [avocados]

Avocados (also known as alligator pears) are the fruit of avocado tree. An avocado is fist-sized sized and oval-shaped with a green bumpy exterior, soft creamy inner flesh, and large hard seed. Use this tag for questions about selecting, identifying, storing, preparing, replacing or cooking with avocado as a star ingredient. Questions about dishes which include avocado, but are not focused on avocado, should not use this tag.

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4 votes
1 answer

What is going on with these avocados?

I recently cut open an entire bag of avocados to find that all of them were browning inside, in a pattern of veins of brown/black running through the fruit's flesh. You can especially see this in the ...
Datguy's user avatar
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0 votes
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Do foods rich in antioxidants prevent avocado guacamole from turning brown?

My guacamole (diced tomatos, onion, garlic and avocado) often turns brown. I have read that the brown color on avocados is caused by oxidation. In other words, exposure to the air turns avocado flesh ...
Anonymous Carob Bean Novice's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Why is my avocado hard in some parts but fully ripe in some others?

I am fairly familiar with avocados. I buy and consume them regularly. But recently I encountered one that was quite the head scratcher. I normally buy green ones and leave them on my kitchen counter ...
desmo's user avatar
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3 votes
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Sputtering Avocado Oil at High Temps

I recently purchased avocado oil from Costco, specifically Marianne's Harvest Brands Avocado Oil. I've tried frying/sauteing with it a couple of times, and so far, every time I've heated it up, it ...
Adventurous Pallet's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

have these avocados gone bad?

Having googled it, it says that avocados with black spots have gone bad. However I asked someone and they said that it fine and you can eat it - it’s like a banana which has gone slightly black on ...
James Wilson's user avatar
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5 votes
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What's the brix of a typical avocado?

What's the typical brix of a typical store-bought avocado? I mean the percentage of sugars, acids and such (I think it refers to all dissolved solids, but sugar gets the most attention). I can find ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
3 votes
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Avocado hard and grey inside

I had a batch of avocados from the supermarket, as I normally do. I often have 3-5 days before they're past the point of being edible. This batch was not more that 2 days old, and three out of five ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Who originated the dangerous avocado-pitting technique?

There are several reasonable and safe ways to pit an avocado. There is, however, one very popular (at least in the USA) and unsafe way: digging the pit out with the point of a knife. I see people ...
FuzzyChef's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

I want a burrito, but I have no avocado

I am thinking of making a rice, salmon, and (chili) bean burrito, but I don't have any avocados. After looking up some substitutes, I was thinking about peanut butter...but I am a little hesitant. ...
Chris Happy's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Avocado Oil Moisturizer- Edible? [closed]

I bought a bottle of avocado oil to cook with, but I failed to realize that the label was for moisturizer, not food. The label says that it is pure, 100% avocado oil, not scented or anything. I know ...
SuperWild1's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

To make avocado oil, how ripe do your avocados need to be?

I'm interested in making pure avocado oil. (No additives). I plan to do this in a recipe that was posted on StackExchange here: How do I press avocadoes to make avocado oil? (Anthony Njoka's answer. ...
Cookie's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to make salty avocado Ice Cream without a machine?

I'm trying to make salty avocado ice cream for a culinary school project, but don't really know if it's possible. I've found several no-churn recipes, but most of them use sweetened condensed milk. ...
José Colina's user avatar
3 votes
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Bad tasting avocados recently

I'm new/ignorant to using avocados and never really enjoyed them until 3 months ago when I bought some on a whim. The avocados actually tasted great. They were creamy and had the consistency of butter....
D. Joe's user avatar
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What protease is in avocado?

What protease in particular does avocado contain? I've been searching everywhere for it on the internet and still couldn't find any answers.
Zohaib Hafiz's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Very bitter avocados

For a while now, I have been dealing with nasty tasting avocados. Some tasting so bitter, I start to gag and cannot continue eating them. I do not remember them tasting this way before September. Is ...
bobiscool's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Rescuing a CUT but unripe avocado

I've seen this Q&A What can I do to help my avocados ripen? And this one Will avocado stay fresh longer if stored in the refrigerator? and this one What can I do to help my avocados ripen? ...
gman's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

What's the line between salsa and guacamole?

I know there is guacamole dip you can buy in the store refrigerator case. I know there's guacamole itself. I know there's jarred "guacamole style salsa" which is a smooth salsa with avocado in it. But ...
Jesse Cohoon's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I choose to avoid brown stringy fibres in avocado?

How do I choose to avoid brown stringy fibres in avocado? The brown stringy fibres in avocado taste not good and looks not good when there are brown stringy fibres, especially making avocado ...
Ryan's user avatar
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How can I preserve avocados longer?

Avocados are tricky beasts. If you get them while the peel's still green, they're hard as stones. When they ripen, the skin goes brown and the flesh softens, but when this happens you have to eat ...
Mason Wheeler's user avatar
2 votes
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Why are avocados so expensive?

Avocados are in my opinion one the most loved fruit in the world. I live in South Africa, for a ready ripe avocado you would easily pay between R25 (1.61 usd) and R40 (2.58 usd). For a South African ...
Pork Chop's user avatar
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Speeding up avocado ripening [duplicate]

Sometimes you want to buy an avocado, but all they have are hard on touch and you know they are not ready yet; they are rubbery and untasty. One can buy them and wait couple days, they ripen sooner ...
yo''s user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How do I know when my avocado has gone bad, and how can I keep it fresh?

I am a big fan of avocados but I usually don't eat a full one in one sitting. I usually cut them in half, leave the pit in the side I don't eat, and use the other half. In a day or two, when I come ...
Zero's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Why is my avocado tough and rubbery?

This is the second avocado from the same bag that is tough and rubbery. The pit won't come out without leaving a skin, and it won't peel out of it's skin without cutting the skin off. I made sure it ...
Chloe's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Flavor in avocadoes gone forever?

I got some made-in-store supermarket guacamole yesterday and it was a new low in bland, watery, flavorless avocado meat. I have read that the reason modern avocadoes taste bland is because they use a ...
Drisheen Colcannon's user avatar
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How can I process clear avocado oil with a pleasant scent, and how can I dry it faster?

I am processing my oil by cold press. I have to dry it first. I have three challenges: The color of my oil is darker than intended. My oil has a very strong smell. I am seeking a cheaper and faster ...
God'sfriend's user avatar
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How to tell if avocado has large pit? [duplicate]

Is there any way to tell from the outside if an avocado hides a disproportionately large pit and less meat? It's always a disappointment when you cut one in half just to find out it is mostly pit.
amphibient's user avatar
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Can I use an avocado instead of a banana?

I have a great recipe to make cookies but it requires a mashed up banana. I am on the anti-candida diet so I cannot have bananas. I would like to replace it with avocado but I wasn't sure of the ...
Mare's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Are avocado seeds edible?

I've seen article about great benefits of eating avocado seeds. And another here. Does it mean avocado seeds are edible? How do you eat it then? On Wikipedia page we can read: Avocado leaves, ...
kenorb's user avatar
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2 answers

Store avocados for say a month

Is there any way to store avocados, so that if I buy them today from the supermarket (green and unripe), in about a month's time, I will have them just ready and ripe to eat? [I don't think this is ...
user avatar
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When is an avocado considered bad?

I'm generally an avocado purist, so I throw out any brown spots, but I notice that many restaurants serve avocado even with the brown stuff... When is an avocado considered bad, and when should the ...
ina's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Heating Avocado

I was curious and looked for recipes containing avocados. I noticed there are hardly any recipes that contain heated or even cooked avocados, except for a few where avocado is put on a warm dish. ...
bot47's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Avocado substitute in blueberry muffin recipe

I have a vegan blueberry muffin recipe. I'm not vegan, but like anything as long as it tastes good. The recipe calls for an avocado to be used as the fat. I don't like avocado. Is there something ...
Brooke's user avatar
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87 votes
8 answers

Browning Avocados - What Helps?

Years ago Koobz asked "Oxidized Avocado: What's Going on & How to Prevent It?" That question has been merged with this one because it's dealing with the same issue. Recently, we had this question:...
Jolenealaska's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to avoid avocado in sushi rolls from darkening?

We are making some avocado rolls and want to put them in the fridge for eating tomorrow. We will of course wrap them very well but how to avoid the avocado turning black or darkening?
samyb8's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Using avocado oil as a substitute to olive oil

Olive oil is more expensive than normal oils, but due to its nutrition properties (and probably its taste), chefs prefer to use it for lots of different applications even frying. Avocado oil is more ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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Can you freeze avocado in a dish?

I already know you can't freeze an avocado and have it come out usable. Is this mitigated at all, however, by the avocado being in a dish? The specific example I'm thinking of would be avocado slices ...
Yamikuronue's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Mortar and Pestle: Granite vs Porcelain

I want to get a mortar and pestle to make guacamole with, but no sure what the differences are between granite and porcelain. The porcelain ones are cheaper, but the granite variety have more weight (...
codeninja's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Can bright green avocados be ripe?

I very rarely buy avocado, but now I happen to have two of them in my kitchen. I'm used to ripe avocado having this colour: Now, mine are more brightly green, like this: They aren't very soft, so ...
citizen's user avatar
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Sourcing and storing avocado [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What can I do to help my avocados ripen? How can I choose good avocados at the supermarket? I live in the UK and have a difficult time getting hold of good avocados. They ...
Jeremy French's user avatar
9 votes
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Why do steamed avocados taste like eggs?

Today, I was steaming some kale, and decided to try steaming some avocados as well, so I added them for the last 2 minutes of steaming (out of approximately 6 minutes). To my surprise, the avocados ...
Mike K.'s user avatar
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10 votes
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Does an avocado seed help guacamole stay green?

My friend was telling me about a habit in the Spanish culture (I'm not sure if it's done elsewhere as well) of leaving the avocado seed inside when making guacamole. The claim is that if you leave the ...
voithos's user avatar
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6 votes
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Can you pickle avocados?

I wanted to see if anyone has tried to pickle avocados? Mostly I am interested to use only vinegar, and/or salt.
Ali's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

Will avocado stay fresh longer if stored in the refrigerator?

Should I store avocado in the refrigerator or will it make no difference for how long they stay fresh?
Speldosa's user avatar
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Can you freeze an avocado?

Is it possible to freeze a raw unpeeled unripe avacado for use later? If not why? If so what is the process to ensure maximum freshness?
chrisjlee's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Do I always need to peel the avocado or I can just chop it?

Do I always need to peel the avocado, or can I just chop it?
aneuryzm's user avatar
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16 votes
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Use Avocado instead of Butter to bake a cake?

This may sound extravagant, but I have tried a very nice chocolate pudding made of avocado, chocolate, and some other ingredients. You could not tell there was avocado in the pudding and the texture ...
mhttk's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

Trick to keeping guacamole from turning brown

Is there anything you can add to a guacamole recipe to prevent it from going brown so quickly? Or a specific way to package it for very short-term storage (usually only about two days). I tend to ...
Will Tate's user avatar
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24 votes
6 answers

How do I press avocadoes to make avocado oil?

Avocado oil is expensive and I've been trying to figure out a solution to make my own. I'd love to make a press (I do woodworking) but I haven't found anything online. Is there a way to extract ...
calico-cat's user avatar
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Oxidized Avocado: What's Going on & How to Prevent It [duplicate]

So what exactly happens to the flavor of avocados when it oxidizes? I made some guacamole and as many are familiar, it forms that yucky garbage-green color. Now, it tastes different. I'm not sure if ...
Koobz's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

How can I remove the peel and pit of an avocado without the whole thing turning into mush?

Making solid pieces out of a ripe avocado is a difficult business (for me, anyway). What is the best way to remove the peel and pit without ending up with a pile of green mush? I can sometimes remove ...
e.James's user avatar
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