Questions tagged [beans]

Questions about selecting, identifying, storing, preparing, replacing or cooking with beans as a main ingredient.

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

what made the juice/water of the beans turned black

I have 3 new pre-seasoned cast iron pots as gifts I cleaned as instructed before using. But when I tried simmering a nice pot of beans in one the broth turned really black. I had to throw away ...
Wanda Hudler DeVore's user avatar
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Does bean/pea milk made by just blending cooked beans/peas come out just as well as making it by blending soaked beans/peas and boiling them?

So I am vegan and make my own bean and pea milk using mostly Northern White beans and green split peas(finding the yellow ones is a bit hard). I have not made soymilk yet. Anyway, the way I make the ...
Conan Highwoods's user avatar
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Are these different ways to soften legumes chemically?

When I cook dried legumes (Like beans,chickpea, fava) and trying to soften them in a reasonable amount of time I think about three options, or mixing the three: Soaking Long time cooking or pressure ...
Nachman K's user avatar
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How long does it take to cook beans without soaking overnight?

I want to ask that beans are cooked without soaking overnight.What temperature and time is required for perfectly cooked beans without soaking .
ushna saeed's user avatar
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How can I preserve Winged Beans until my next batch matures?

I am very proud that I have managed to grow a healthy crop of Winged Beans ( Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) in my small backyard garden. And the crop is quite reasonable. I was wondering if anyone had ...
Adrian Hum's user avatar
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Which dried pulses, when stored long term, become hard to soften?

I'm trying to figure out which dried pulses store the best, as some are reputed to reach a state where they never fully soften. In an old answer by Joe, the US Dry Bean Council says: Dry beans ...
Chris H's user avatar
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Baked Creamy Chicken enchilada casserole

If you are making a baked Mexican chicken casserole that uses black beans, what can you substitute for the blacks beans to enhance flavor but not totally change the dish into something else?
Suzy Winkel's user avatar