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Questions tagged [brining]

Questions about what ingredients can be used in the brining liquid and how the brining will affect the food.

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1 vote
0 answers

What is the required salinity for sauerkraut [duplicate]

I was thinking of making my own sauerkraut lately, so I have been watching some YouTube videos on the topic. What stuck me as weird was that all videos gave an estimation on the amount of salt (in ...
6 votes
3 answers

Is it advisable to season a chicken with salt after having brined it?

I've used a standard 5% salt and water solution to brine a chicken, after having brined it is it advisable for me to season the chicken with salt before cooking it? I'm worried that if I do so that ...
3 votes
2 answers

Pink scum on top of brine in crock of sauerkraut

There is a pink scum on top of the brine of my sauerkraut in the crock. What is it & is it harmful? Bev
22 votes
3 answers

Does adding salt when soaking dry beans toughen or soften the skin of the bean?

I have heard opinions on both sides of this. The the latest answer on this site, says salt softens bean skins quoted Cooks Illustrated (I can't see the article, but I trust CI), while another answer ...
4 votes
0 answers

Discovered 2 eggs cracked in late stage of brining

One more week to go brining my salted chicken eggs. I just saw 2 eggs with cracks that were not there earlier. Do I need to take them out or will it be ok? I have 5 days left.
2 votes
0 answers

Is it ok to brine an already cured ham?

I always make a ham on Christmas Eve and this year I was thinking of trying to get a little extra flavour in by brining it first. However it is a shop bought, already cured ham. I've looked around ...
0 votes
1 answer

Storing a brined turkey [duplicate]

Is it safe to cook a brined turkey 5 days after taking it out of the bridge if it has been refrigerated the whole time?
0 votes
0 answers

Turkey brining efficiently and safely [duplicate]

Trying to menu plan for Thanksgiving in between a busy work schedule. Here is my current plan: Monday - Cook neck and giblets (thus removing turkey from packaging) to create stock for gravy and ...
1 vote
3 answers

Should I remove the vegetables I put in my brine for cooking again?

I've brined chicken for the first time today, and I included garlic and ginger in the brine. My question is, could I take the garlic and ginger and add it to my cooking later after draining, or ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is it ok if there is brine on top of my sauerkraut but not in the middle and bottom portion of my jar while fermenting?

Not my 1st time making sauerkraut but 1st time this seems to happen to me. In my 2 biggest jars (4l.) I put small glass containers as weight (fit perfectly) and filled my jars quite a bit... so I know ...
6 votes
3 answers

Why is my brining giving varied and usually poor results?

I am trying to brine a chicken and then cook it in a soup. I just can't seem to do it properly and have noticed varying results for reasons I cannot figure out. My basic method is: add 1.5l spring ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to un-brine hearts of palm?

Is there a way to remove the sour taste from hearts of palm (which, I assume, are not sour intrinsically)? I tried washing them off and then roasting them, but that didn't help, they were still sour.
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0 answers

Brining salt concentration

I have seen a lot of different advice about how saturated to make a brining solution. In my case I would be more likely to brine either meat or vegetables prior to pickling. A quart of water can ...
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0 answers

How long should I cure or brine Turkey Pastrami?

I want to make turkey pastrami for the first time. I have made beef pastrami successfully a few times. All the recipes for turkey pastrami call for curing or brining the turkey for a very short amount ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why do my cucumbers in brine have a metallic aftertaste?

I pickle cucumbers in brine using about 45 grams of salt per litre of water, stored in a mason jar at room temperature for about a week. I season them with fresh dill, smashed garlic, a whole chilli ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I fix over-salted dry brined chicken wings? [duplicate]

I am dry brining chicken wings for the first time. I used fine sea salt instead of coarse kosher salt to dry brine my chicken wings. I also used baking powder. 1 tsp of each per pound of chicken. The ...
0 votes
2 answers

Can state of chicken affect brine?

I have been trying to brine chicken and it never seems to brine successfully. I have followed the brine procedure correctly. I added 2 litres of spring water to a stainless steel pot with 140g ...
14 votes
4 answers

Why do home-made pickles float in the jar, but commercial pickles don't?

I make a lot of home-made pickles; mostly pickled onions/shallots/cucumbers. I use a cold process and I don't pre-brine. I notice all of my pickles always end up floating to the top of the jars, even ...
9 votes
1 answer

Can salted capers be un-salted?

A family member picked up the wrong jar at the supermarket and now we have a (small) jar of salted capers instead of the brined ones they wanted to buy. We were wondering if we could somehow wash the ...
1 vote
1 answer

How much salt in "only salt" beef jerky

I'm getting ready to smoke a batch of beef jerky, but am setting some aside so that the only seasoning will be the salt and the smoke. 1) I normally put so much seasoning that it hides most of the ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why does pickling liquid need to first be boiled? (or does it)

In every recipe I have seen, brine in various combinations of ~50% acid, ~%50% other liquid + spices is always first brought to a boil before pouring over whatever it is we're pickling. Curious why, ...
5 votes
2 answers

Brining multiple chickens

I'm attempting to brine multiple, however I am confused as to whether my brine will be sufficient. When I usually brine a single chicken I measure the weight of the water that I am going to use and ...
0 votes
2 answers

Fermenting Peppers in brine with 1 table spoon salt to 0.9 L Jar, too low salt? Botulism risk?

I have fermented some peppers, but after doing so, I started to doubt the ratio of salt might be too low; I used 1 table spoon of salt, for a jar of 0.9 L; does this create a safe environment against ...
6 votes
4 answers

Brined chicken - too salty

I brined chicken breasts overnight. When I grilled them they were too salty to eat. Any suggestions for the ones I brined and froze?
0 votes
1 answer

Can pickles be made in brine without sealing them in vacuum but kept in the refrigerator for a few weeks?

If you sterilize a glass container in boiling water, add cucumbers + spices with a 3.5% salinity brine and close the container without creating vacuum, can you let it pickle for a few days and then ...
3 votes
2 answers

Can you brine frozen meat?

I want to brine a frozen chicken but I'm unsure if there is any reason why brining frozen meat is bad? Can you brine frozen meat, or do you first have to defrost it before you can brine it, or does ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is MSG able to penetrate meat like chicken breast and steak when dissolved in a brine?

I am trying to figure out whether adding MSG to a water based brine will allow the MSG to 'penetrate' the meat. I know it is soluble, but I'm not sure whether this means it will be able to diffuse ...
2 votes
1 answer

Wet Brining Chicken with aromatics, does it work? Will pressure cooking be more effective?

I read up that wet brining is not very effective to infuse aromatics (such as garlic, tumeric, cumin, galanggal, etc) into the chicken as nothing penetrate deep into chicken other than salt. Is there ...
2 votes
1 answer

Should I marinate or dry-brine a steak first?

I've read that pineapple contains an enzyme called Bromelain that breaks down muscle fibres, and therefore a pineapple purée makes a great tenderizing marinade for tougher steaks. I'm also a big fan ...
10 votes
2 answers

Are there ingredients I should avoid in a brine?

I see good answers to What brine ingredients are effective?, and I am looking to really push the envelope. I realize that there is some debate as to the effectiveness of brine to add flavor to the ...
1 vote
1 answer

convert wet brine recipe to dry brine

I've got this amazing wet-brine recipe a few years ago for a bone-in pork chop. (It came from Bucks in DC) I want to convert it to a DRY-brine recipe for home use. I can take all the aromatics and ...
15 votes
3 answers

Botulism risk with refrigerated items

Is there any risk of botulism from refrigerator pickling or brining? (referring to both meat and slices of vegetables/fruit) I've read about the subject a fair bit, and know the inherent risks with ...
0 votes
0 answers

Open turkeys too soon

We opened our turkeys and put them in a bucket of ice water. I have not added herbs and salt yet, but there is a week before Thanksgiving. Will the turkeys be ruined if I add the brine now? Should I ...
3 votes
2 answers

Thaw / Brine partially frozen turkey at the same time [duplicate]

I’ve found sites that say it’s ok to start a brine for a partially frozen turkey. My question is, when you thaw a turkey using the cold water method, they say to change the water every 30 minutes. If ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the optimal way to remove salt from cooked meat?

I want to remove salt from marinated chicken thighs. What would be the most effective way to do this "reverse brining", if flavour does not matter? I have seen these two questions: How ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is the absolute maximum salt-to-water ratio of a brine for Lacto-Fermentation

There are various lacto-fermentated sauce or pickle recipes making use of a salty brine. And depending on the food item that's going to be fermented and also depending on the sense of taste of the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Adding salt to a marinade to brine?

I have a marinade I really love for chicken that has a base of pineapple and lime juice, aromatics, and a little canola oil. There's no salt in the marinade and I don't season the chicken before ...
13 votes
6 answers

Reusing pickle brine

So I just finished a jar of home-made pickles. They were excellent! Not too salty, a bit spicy, very good. They were so good that I'd like to get some more pickles out of that jar. I was thinking of ...
1 vote
0 answers

Mold on a single floating chilli seed in lacto-fermentation. Is this a problem?

I made my first attempt at lacto-fermentation and decided to ferment some chillis. I used a 3% salt water solution and currently 8 days into my first fermentation. I have encountered an issue and ...
1 vote
2 answers

Brining rack of lamb

I am making a crown rack of lamb tomorrow, and today to prep I plan on getting some of the trimming done. I went to a new butcher this time around and sadly they left the extra layer of fat on the ...
1 vote
1 answer

corned-beef cure/brine: viscous, snot-like substance - is this safe?

Please click here for a video showing the problem Causes for concern: The container ended up pressurizing somewhat, so whatever was in there was breaking down and gassing, so when I opened up the ...
0 votes
1 answer

How much and what seasoning to should I use in a turkey brine?

Brining at its basic level is about opening the cell structure of the meat with salt and allowing osmotic action to take effect and allow the meat to become a bit juicier and bring a salty flavor to ...
5 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to make taste of raw oily salmon less pronounced?

Some varieties of salmon like Oncorhynchus gorbusha are preferable to consume raw, they have great flavor even without any seasoning. Other varieties with dark flesh and high fat content when raw seem ...
4 votes
2 answers

How cold can a brining turkey get before freezing?

If I brine a turkey in a solution of 1/2 cup of salt per 1 gallon of distilled water, how do I tell how cold it can get before the brine freezes? Here in America, we all know water freezes at 32 ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can I pickle and brine without salt?

I have to reduce my sodium intake. I love kosher dill pickles. I'd like to make my own with less or no sodium. So in researching, I see references to using saltpeter in place of salt sometimes. It is ...
3 votes
1 answer

how to brine olives - how cool is cool area to brine them?

My olives have been brining for 2 months, and are still quite bitter. I read to keep them in a cool place, here in Arizona when I started this process it was still in the 90's so I put them in the ...
8 votes
1 answer

Breaking down a turkey for storage - brine before or after freezing?

The subject should sum this up. We're taking advantage of the seasonal prices for 2 fresh turkeys which I'm breaking down into boneless breasts, thighs, and legs to be frozen for future use. The back ...
1 vote
2 answers

Problem storing Kosher Dill pickles

I have been putting up Kirby cucumbers following Grandma's recipe for over 30 years using just 1 tablespoon of kosher salt, garlic, spices, dill, alum and water (NO VINEGAR). I'm using dishwasher-...
25 votes
3 answers

How deeply will the flavors in a brine penetrate chicken?

I'm not asking about salt or "juiciness". I think there is enough evidence here and elsewhere to answer that question with "pretty deep, or all the way to the bone". My question concerns spices and ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why does brining lead to firmer salmon?

It often recommended to brine salmon with salt before sous vide, so it's firmer. On the other hand, salt tenderizes meat. What is the explanation of this opposite behavior.