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4 votes
7 answers

What additional uses are there for a food dehydrator?

Recently browsing a certain online website I've discovered the cost of food dehydrators has fallen considerably since they first came to market. Realising that I may incur the wrath of my other half ...
Greybeard's user avatar
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33 votes
5 answers

Can my freezer be too cold?

The FDA recommends a freezer temperature of 0˚F (-18˚C). Warmer temperatures risk bacterial growth and quality problems. But what are the reasons not to set the freezer colder? My Bosch freezer can be ...
Doug's user avatar
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1 answer

Canning jars seal then go bad

I have canned a lot in the past with with aa jar here and there. But the last year I have lost so much food to crowning of lids after they have sealed. I again lost 22 quarts of beautiful red beets. ...
Kathy Hill Probst's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What vessel should I choose for Lactofermentation?

Do I have to use a mason jar to ferment veggies? Or would any jar do? In case of the latter, does it have to be air sealed?
Tal's user avatar
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Is there any cooking oil mister designed such that the oil is never in contact with plastic parts?

Is there any cooking oil mister designed such that the oil is never in contact with plastic parts? I just don't like the possibility of having any plastic chemicals dissolved in the oil.
qazwsx's user avatar
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Why did my lids seal?

This has never happened to me before! Last night I made Refrigerator Pickles using cucumbers and an ordinary vinegar, water, sugar brine. My intention was to make a couple jars for co-workers who ...
BeachGirl's user avatar
22 votes
7 answers

Are any retail vacuum-sealing systems worth the expense?

Living alone means that my leftovers tend to go a pretty long way, and I don't end up using raw ingredients as quickly as the supermarkets expect me to. For a while I've been considering investing in ...
Aaronut's user avatar
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