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Questions tagged [lactofermentation]

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How to judge if rejuvelac (fermented grain soaking water) is safe other than tasting it?

Rejuvelac is made by soaking fresh sprouts in water and then filtering and taking the water, discarding the sprouts, see for example here. Anything I ever see about the safety is that it shouldn't ...
Nobody's user avatar
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Wheat berry vinegar

I soaked these wheat berries. They are fully submerged for about 6 months now. As far as I can tell it should have just gone from the stages of ferment, to malt, to alcohol, to vinegar. I did not put ...
user1709076's user avatar
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Could it be possible to make lactose free yogurt with just baking soda and possibly a pH meter?

Yogurt is known to have lactose consuming bacteria (lactic acid bacteria/LAB), which consume lactose, break it down to glucose and galactose and produce lactic acid from the glucose and release the ...
The Testosterone Fanatic's user avatar
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Fermenting lactose water solution as if it were milk with lactic acid bacteria

I have been fermenting milk for the last 10 years and used various commercial lactic acid bacteria cultures and starters.  I am well aware that there are thermophilic and mesophilic cultures and ...
Alex's user avatar
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Why doesn't clabbered raw milk become lactose free when left to ferment for a few days?

We know that in yogurt fermentation, not all of the lactose is consumed by the lactic acid bacteria (primarily Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus) fermenting the milk, though the ...
The Testosterone Fanatic's user avatar
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Can I add three times the flour & three times the water to my sourdough starter for 24 hours instead of the same amount of flour & water for 12 hours?

Under the usually followed guidelines for sourdough starter feeding, if one has 200 grams of sourdough starter (100 grams fermented flour + 100 grams water), they need to feed 100 grams of flour and ...
The Testosterone Fanatic's user avatar
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What quanitiy of chillies will I need to fill a 1 litre jar for fermentation?

I'm planning to make some fermented chilli sauce. I have the various ingredients and equipment I'll need, waiting in my shopping basket. The only thing (I think) I'm missing is what quantity of ...
Hollis Hurlbut's user avatar
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sauerkraut with toasted sesame seeds

I tried making some sauerkraut with red cabbage, carrots, ginger, and toasted sesame seeds. I used a fermentation crock that maintained its seal. After about four weeks it had a cheesy, yeasty smell ...
hodale's user avatar
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Lactofermenting fruits successfully

Always when I tried lactofermentation of fruits like pears, plums, or citrus fruits, they always turned bad. When letting them ferment less time, they were still not fermented at all or already gone ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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How to prevent airlocks to get soaked out when vegetables soak up water

Fermenting the vegetables in 2,5L glases I always face the problem that the vegetables soak up a lot of water and then dispense a lot and then towards the end soak up even more. The problem is, that ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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What’s the actual difference between soy sauce and miso?

To me, it seems like they are both just fermented soy beans, with the result being mostly glutamate with a bad smell. Soy sauce seems to be just the water that miso was left to steep in.
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What is the science behind skyr setting without rennet

I've read from multiple sources that rennet used to be one of the ingredients in making skyr but it's not used anymore outside of traditional recipes. I do understand that acid + heat causes milk to ...
Reverent Lapwing's user avatar
6 votes
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Can I process fermented pickles in a water bath?

I'm new to fermenting. Can I safely process fermented dill pickles in a water bath to ensure a longer storage life? I have made pickles in the past, using vinegar, and then processing for 20 minutes ...
Joe Braico's user avatar