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4 votes
1 answer

Should buckwheat flour be made from unhulled buckwheat or from the groats?

Should buckwheat flour be made from unhulled black buckwheat or from hulled white groats in a grain mill? The reason I’m asking is because unhulled buckwheat is black, and I was expecting buckwheat ...
user1709076's user avatar
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Which type and grain size of rice (flour) is best for which use case?

What type of rice and which grain-size as flour is best for which use case? I have got a grain mill and am going to do lots of gluten-free recipes with rice flour. From cake, via pudding, to mochi (...
Sebastian's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What mill would you recommend to grind allspice?

I recently buy allspice berries thinking that IKEA grinders could grind it. However, the berry is just too large to this mill. What type of mill or grinding appliance should I be looking for when I ...
ℂybernetician's user avatar
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What will happen if I put cut vegetables or roasted peanuts in a Salzburger grain mill or a mock mill?

I am trying to use a grain mill for peanut butter, and also pureeing vegetables. Can this work?
Makjb lh's user avatar
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15 votes
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What does the ash content of broken wheat really mean?

I purchased some broken durum wheat (also called lapsi or daliya in India) to make upma and was shocked to find that it contained ash. It seemed silly that someone would deliberately mix ash into ...
Nav's user avatar
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Where to order whole-wheat flour(NOT ATTA) in India?

Many people are deceived that maida(7.5% gluten) is ALL PURPOSE FLOUR and atta is WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR((10-12%)gluten but starch is lost due to chakki milling) so there is actually a lot of difference ...
User101's user avatar
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Vegetable mill versus using a food processor for vegetables

What is the advantage of using a mechanical vegetable mill (the utensil which in Italian is called "passaverdura" or "passaverdure") as opposed to using an electric food processor for vegetables? The ...
Jimmy Joslington's user avatar
3 votes
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Need to dry grain before milling?

I have recently received a 1983 Magic Mill III. I read through the owner's manual and accompanying documentation and it says that moisture or oil can gum up the mill but does not mention drying your ...
sirdank's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to clean a mill

My girlfriend and I moved into a new flat together and now we´ve got at least 2 salt- and 2 pepper mills. We only need one of each kind and I wanted to ask, if somebody knows a good way to "clean" the ...
Joshit's user avatar
  • 211
2 votes
3 answers

Can I use an oven instead of a dehydrator to prepare lentils for milling at home

Can I use an oven instead of a dehydrator for grains and pulses? Dehydrators are not so common in my neck of the woods.
winnend's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to properly steel-cut oats yourself?

I'm fond of porridge for breakfast. This used to have something of a weirdo reputation here in Germany, but actually seems to be taking off in popularity recently. Trouble is, everything I was able ...
leftaroundabout's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Making spice pastes with a food processor

I've had call to make spice pastes by using a food processor. Rather than using the full-sized bowl, which is way too big, my food processor has a milling attachment designed for coffee beans. However,...
Xophmeister's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are stone or metal grinding wheels better for flour?

I want to buy a flour mill for bread and pizza flour. I read that stone grinding wheels are better for grinding fine flour (tipo 00) than metal burrs. The mill that I am looking at does offer fine ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to use Coffee Mill for other grain?

I'm in Argentina here I cannot fing buckwheat flour so I bought instead buckwheat grain and I want to mill it to get flour.... but I don't arrive to find a tradicional Mill (at a cheap price) I want ...
Christophe Debove's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do you know if stone-ground flour is truly milled with stones?

I ran across this article that originally appeared in USA Today in 2006. The author makes the claim that the label is unregulated and that manufacturers can simply say "100% stone ground" even if it's ...
Jonathan W's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Can I make buckwheat flour starting from toasted buckwheat?

My wife asked me to buy "buckwheat" and I did, but she meant buckwheat flour (for making bread) and I got toasted buckwheat instead. I don't want to throw it out if I don't have to. We have a mortar ...
Jason Kleban's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How can I mill / press sweet sorghum with household equipment?

I grew sweet sorghum this year as it looked like the easiest way to grow "sugar" in New England. Now I've harvested it, but I'm hard pressed (ha ha) to find a way to mill it with generally available ...
Mark Zeren's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How Can I Make Flour More White When Under Process In Flour Mill

My father is a flour miller. He wants to know how he can make wheat, or flour more specifically, whiter during the milling process. Is there anything that can be done before in preparation or after ...
user798916's user avatar