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Questions tagged [nutrient-composition]

Questions regarding facts about macro-nutrients within foods. Do not use for "what is healthy" or similar questions, which are off-topic.

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60 votes
1 answer

What constitutes the majority of meat?

Looking at 100g chicken breast for example, I see that ~30g is protein and ~4 is fat. What is the rest of the 100g piece made of? Is that all connective tissues? Fiber? Something else?
shadesofdarkred's user avatar
42 votes
6 answers

Why should (or shouldn't) we wash rice before cooking?

There are pretty confusing articles on this topic on the internet. Some suggest that we should wash them to remove starch, talc, etc. Some suggest that we should not wash them because they are ...
Cool_Coder's user avatar
32 votes
9 answers

How can 100% peanut butter have more protein than 100% peanuts

I am looking at: 100% peanut butter (no added salt, sugar, oils or anything else) 100% roasted peanuts (no added salt, sugar, oils or anything else) When looking thought different sources, I can ...
Nikolay Suvandzhiev's user avatar
26 votes
4 answers

How Can Cooked Meat Still Have Protein Value?

I've been taught 2 things that seem to contradict each other: Cooked meat has plenty of protein Heating proteins denatures them and damages/changes them If this is the case, then cooked meat must ...
Tom J Nowell's user avatar
24 votes
5 answers

Does microwaving destroy nutrients in food?

After answering this article, I did some research on microwaving killing vitamins and nutrients in food. I very quickly learned that this is a touchy subject, even among nutritionists, and nobody (at ...
stephennmcdonald's user avatar
23 votes
5 answers

Are there any calories in roasted coffee beans? Why is black coffee 0 kcal?

Are there any calories in roasted coffee beans? And why do they seem to 'disappear' when turned into black coffee? According to some websites, there are (I've seen values between 300 and 400 kcal ...
Nikolay Suvandzhiev's user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

How to calculate the calorie content of cooked food?

I like to cook from scratch, and I'm currently trying to loose a few pounds. I know that cooked food is generally more calorific than raw food, so if I add up the calories of the ingredients I know it ...
Peter Coulton's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

How can I determine whether a food or ingredient is "ultraprocessed"?

I often read articles talking about the risks of "ultraprocessed" food. Here is an example article from NPR. On the one hand, there are foods which are obviously not ultraprocessed: plain ...
poundifdef's user avatar
16 votes
11 answers

Why put a stone in the soup?

I was surprised by the added stone in the soup of this question: "Also, for irony, a large (cleaned) stone is always left in the pot" What would be the reason for this? For the minerals in the ...
BaffledCook's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How does boiling remove vitamin C from food?

It's generally known that boiling vegetables removes a large fraction of vitamin C, but in what way? Does the high temperature destroy it? Is it merely absorbed by the boiling water?
Physiks lover's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Calories in toast vs bread

Does toasting bread change the amount of calories in the bread? i.e Does a slice of toast have more/less calories that a slice of bread? I know that some moisture is lost in the toasting process but ...
Catch22's user avatar
  • 263
15 votes
1 answer

What does the ash content of broken wheat really mean?

I purchased some broken durum wheat (also called lapsi or daliya in India) to make upma and was shocked to find that it contained ash. It seemed silly that someone would deliberately mix ash into ...
Nav's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

If Nutrition Facts states 0% Cholesterol does that imply the food is vegan?

On the side of a package if it states "Cholesterol 0%" in the Nutrition Facts does that mean the food is vegan?
Pete Alvin's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

What does "contains 2% or less of" mean?

In the US, food labels are required to provide an ingredients list. One common phrase on labels is "contains 2% or less of." For example: "Pork, water, contains 2% or less of: salt, spices, sodium ...
Pops's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How do the nutritional values of bananas change as they ripen?

Unripe bananas are hard with thick skins and an unmistakeable raw flavour. As they ripen they shrink slightly, the skins become thinner, and the fruit becomes softer and sweeter; the raw flavour goes ...
Daron's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Why is there such disparity between the calories in a banana and the calories in this pack of dried banana?

If I Google calories in banana I get the result of 89 per 100g. However, this pack of chewy banana says 320 per 100g. Why the difference? The ingredients are Dried Banana, Rice Flour, ...
DaveDev's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Does preparation of food change the nutritional content with respect to fat type?

I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge in how a fat comes to be saturated, and perhaps therein lies the answer to this question. However, due to my wife's gall stones I need to remove hard to ...
mfg's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Does chopping vegetables remove vitamins?

I hear some chefs saying on TV: "Don't cut your vegetables in the salad too small, because the smaller you cut them the more vitamins are lost." Is that true? and if it was really true, what is a ...
Zeina's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Do quality adjectives have a standard?

So some cheese products I buy have nutritional information on the outside that say things like "Good source of Calcium", or "Excellent source of Calcium", or "Great source of Calcium". Are these just ...
yuritsuki's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Why does processed meat contain preservatives, while canned fish needs not?

I've read that canned salmon typically does not contain any preservatives. On the other hand processed meat (such as ham) contains them. Why are preservatives needed in some cases but not others?
user avatar
11 votes
8 answers

Creating high-protein food for hiking

I will go hiking for 10 days, and the food I get in the lodges on the way is practically all starch, wtih < 15 g protein per day. I did this once and felt terrible. So this time, I want to take my ...
rumtscho's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Why do some products have different nutritional composition stated on different containers, even when accounting for serving size?

I've been looking into nutritional composition of beverages and I've found something weird: sometimes, when the same product is served in a different container, the nutritional contents on on the ...
Nzall's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How does lentils' nutritional profile change in germinating lentils in water?

By the term "terminating lentils in water" I mean a similar thing to sprouting thing such as alfalfa in water. The crux difference is that lentils do not really sprout, they germinate because their ...
user avatar
10 votes
16 answers

Cheap sources of protein? [closed]

Soy meat, flax seeds and peas are probably the best known such sources. Are there other cheap sources of protein?
10 votes
3 answers

Does dumping the water from boiling ramen noodles reduce the fat content much?

I enjoy eating ramen noodles cooked in the microwave at work. I've already learned to toss the sodium seasoning packet to avoid the salt, but I notice the noodles themselves have lots of fat and much ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Protein in mayonnaise...none?

I was looking at a Hellman's real mayonnaise jar with whole eggs and yolks, and the nutrition label says there are 0 grams of protein. How is that possible? Is this common for mayonnaise in general?
Bart Silverstrim's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Calculating Nutrition Information for Commercial Food Labeling

I'm working on starting a small home-based bakery that will ship food products sold on a website directly to consumers. (Specifically, cookies.) As part of this work, I am designing packaging and am ...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Is cooking with an air fryer similar, nutritionally, to baking?

Irrelevant context: I've been borrowing a friend's air fryer, and I love how fast it cooks! So much that I'm considering getting one of my own to cook 80% of my meals with. But, my girlfriend is ...
PolyPixiePaladin's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

What additions can I make to my basic white bread recipe to increase its fiber content?

These are my ingredients for a one-loaf white bread recipe: 3 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup milk 4 Tbsp butter 2 Tbsp sugar 1 1/4 tsp salt 1 packet active dry yeast I'd like to add an ingredient that ...
Iuls's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How do I control the quality of a kombucha SCOBY?

I'm starting to make my own Kombucha and have seen scoby with many different colors, shapes, textures, etc. My goal is to have a scoby that produces good probiotics and a taste that is acceptable to ...
Justin Nathanael Waters's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Can I use fresh okara without cooking it?

I started to experiment with home-made soy milk, which means that I have a lot of okara and I am looking for various ways of using it. I grind the soy beans before boiling the milk, so that the okara ...
zoul's user avatar
  • 175
7 votes
1 answer

Calories in (cooked) pasta

I bought a 500g pack of Tesco penne pasta recently – As you can see on the website, it states that 100g of the pasta contains around 176 ...
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What is "Less Sodium Soy Sauce"?

I have here a bottle of Kikkoman "Less Sodium Soy Sauce". According to the label, it contains 37% less sodium than regular soy sauce (575 mg per 15 ml serving, versus 920 mg). How is this stuff made,...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Why does canned mango pulp have no vitamin A?

Mango contains plenty of vitamin A ( I have some frozen mango which confirms this on the bag. However, a can of mango pulp says that it has 0% of the ...
michael's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How efficient is stock for protein extraction?

Proteins from collagen and tissues thicken stock. Fat is rendered too. Since fat settles to the surface after refrigeration, I assume that you can extract most or all of the fat through skimming ...
AdamO's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Is it bad to boil milk?

In another question, I asked about pasteurization of raw milk at home. I got some interesting comments (of course, I further searched on the internet) that some people prefer not to pasteurize raw ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

The way to cook vegetables that keeps most of the nutrients [closed]

What is the way to cook vegetables that keeps most of the nutrients?
Shuberrie's user avatar
  • 181
6 votes
1 answer

Stir-frying: how much of the oil evaporates?

When you're stir-frying or sauteeing, I'm sure some of the oil get evaporated due to high temperature. How much of the original oil evaporates? Since I suppose it depends on the kind of oil, ...
Fitri's user avatar
  • 651
6 votes
2 answers

Can I increase my iron intake by eating food cooked with cast iron?

Can I eat food cooked in cast iron to leach iron into the food? Is it a significant amount?
zundarz's user avatar
  • 203
6 votes
6 answers

How do I calculate the nutritional values of a recipe?

I love to cook and experiment with recipes. While I'm aware that calories are not a perfect measure of what makes you gain weight and what doesn't, I would still love to have a rough idea of the ...
Pekka's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is cheese or pasta a good source of protein?

I am eating "Wheels & Cheese": As you can see, there's literally nothing but cheese and pasta here. The nutrition facts on the back says that there's 11g of protein in it. I've never heard of ...
JustcallmeDrago's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

In ingredient lists, does "lime" mean the fruit or the chemical?

Ingredient lists on packaged foods sometimes list "lime". Does this refer to the citrus fruit, or to the chemical calcium hydroxide? As an example, Mission Organics White Corn Tortilla Chips list "...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How much salt is absorbed by meat during brining?

Has anyone created a table of sodium absorbtion during brining vs. other contributing factors such as brining time, meat type, salt ratio, etc. I'd like to be able to compute how much sodium is ...
Jeff Axelrod's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How is bean pasta so protein-rich?

I've seen a number of bean pastas that have pretty close to a 1:1 protein/carb ratio. For example, this black bean pasta has 23g carbs and 25g protein per serving. On their own, black beans have a ...
rcorre's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

What is GABA Rice?

GABA rice seems to command a high premium is only found on Amazon in a few varieties, one by Koshihikari, one by Sempio. Is GABA rice anything but brown rice pre-heated? Is the GABA setting on a rice ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What are the nutritional data for water kefir?

What are the nutritional data for (strained) water kefir, compared to the starting sugar water? I would expect there to be less carbohydrates and more vitamins, but haven't the foggiest idea what ...
BobMcGee's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Steeping green tea leaves - how many times can I steep them, and do they lose flavanoids over steeps?

I order my green tea leaves in small vacuum sealed baggies from China. They are crumbled up, but expand out once they become saturated. I typically use maybe half a teaspoon of these dried tea ...
Mike Marks's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

data about the rate of nutrient decay in fruit/vegetable juice [closed]

This is a related question to Do centrifugal juicers destroy vitamins through friction? Is there any quantitative data about the rate of vitamin & nutrient decay in fruit/vegetable juice? We ...
sibbaldiopsis's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What nutritional differences are there between honey and table sugar (sucrose)? [closed]

My girlfriend has been putting honey in my coffee instead of sugar. She says it is better for me, but she can't give me an explanation I understand. I think she is being influenced by someone she ...
Michael Hetton's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Does vinegar increase the iron we can digest from Spinach?

I heard tale of people using vinegar to break down or concentrate the digestible iron in spinach. Is this true? If it's true, the key things to know would be: What vinegar do you use? How do you ...
Johnny Maelstrom's user avatar