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12 votes
4 answers

For Pressure Canning, can I use any other jar than Ball’s Mason Jar?

So Ball’s Mason Jar is not as common in my country but I want to try my hand at pressure canning sambal (chili, garlic, fermented shrimp paste, no vinegar). Is there any alternative to Ball’s Mason ...
Pandastew's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Pressure canning instructions

Where can safe and reliable instructions (including high and low altitude canning) be found for canning?
Dinah's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Pressure canning at odd pressures

I recently acquired a Presto pressure canner model 01781 (23-Quart) which comes with a weight designed to regulate it to 15 lbs of pressure. I also purchased a variable weight regulator (part 50332) ...
Eaten by a Grue's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to pressure can grilled paprika

I would like to pressure can grilled paprika, which is a traditional Bulgarian preserve and looks like this: Normally this is done by grilling the paprika on very high heat for a short amount of time,...
user1721135's user avatar
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Pressure canning issue with weight and timing

I pressure canned 33 litres of applesauce at 5 lbs for 10 minutes but didn't know the timer doesn't start until the weight begins jiggling. Is this necessary for Apple sauce? What's difficult about ...
Flala7's user avatar
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Pressure Canning Chow Chow

I am canning chow chow and want to use my pressure canner. Can anyone tell me how many pounds as well as how long for pint and quart jars? Thank you
Lisa Dawn Perry Schoolcraft's user avatar