Questions tagged [ratio]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Dough/filling ratio in tart

If I were to make an Italian homemade pie that can work for almost all occasions (i.e. for kids because of no coffee/alcohol etc.) I'd think of a jam crostata. It's a buttery dough (pasta frolla) that ...
David P's user avatar
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Ratio of liquid/glucomannan/xanthan gum for flan or Walden Farms dip

I'm hoping someone can offer suggestions for what a good ratio of glucomannan and xanthan gum per volume liquid to thicken a flavored liquid(water consistency w/o thickeners) into a result that has a ...
user2649681's user avatar
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How many grams of almonds are in a tsp of almond extract?

How many grams of almonds are in a tsp of almond extract? Looking for equivalency or concentration rations for almonds to almond extract.
Dementedpenguin's user avatar
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Cheese cookie doughs and proportions

Cheese cookie recipes I looked at use varying ingredients and ratios. Having never baked before, I'd like to know what those do to the result and what the gamut of workable variation in proportions is....
ariola's user avatar
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What can I substitute the cocoa powder with for this mille crepe recipe?

I'm following this recipe of a mille crepe, where they do the crepes with cocoa powder. I want to try to make the crepes without cocoa, what should I do? The current recipe is CREPE 6 tablespoons ...
asdfasdf's user avatar
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Baker’s ratio for crackers

Is there a baker’s ratio for crackers? I can find one for just about every dough recipe under the sun, except one for crackers! I suppose I could just research a bunch of recipes and come up with my ...
Just Joel's user avatar
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