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Questions tagged [rice-wine]

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3 answers

Chinese cooking wine varieties

I have access to a lot of Asian and specifically Chinese grocery products where I live (Austin). However, a thing that's never been made clear to me by anything I've read or watched is whether the ...
Pointy's user avatar
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Can I do Chow Mein without rice wine nor substituting it?

I mistakenly bought "rice wine vinegar" instead of "rice wine". Now I am missing this ingredient from the recipe but I still want to do it. I could replace with red wine but I guess it's not a good ...
Pedro's user avatar
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Making white vinegar, question about rice wine

I'm going to start a batch of rice wine that will eventually be turned into vinegar. Is it important to age the wine for a long period for this use or can it be used after it has fermented for a few ...
NKY Homesteading's user avatar