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Did I ruin my wok? [duplicate]

I jist got my new wok (I have never used one before), and I wanted to try it out. The package said that it was already seasoned, but I tried to season it nevertheless. Well, I washed the wok first and ...
didi1150's user avatar
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Why does salt and seasoning stick better to hot foods?

In every recipe I see for fries, popcorn, churros, and other foods where I normally want to add the salt/sugar/seasoning at the end, everybody says to make sure to do it while the food is still hot so ...
Subhasish Mukherjee's user avatar
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3 answers

Getting better in the kitchen [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Resources for a beginner learning to cook So, I really want to improve my talent in the kitchen. I think I should start with the basics though. I've always concentrated on ...
slandau's user avatar
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