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How to reduce smokey BBQ liquid flavor in a Mexican soup

I have Mexican soup with BBQ smokey sauce, but the flavor of it is to intense. I am trying to reduce the intensity, but I don't want to add more tomatoes. Is there a way?
Veronique's user avatar
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Various ways to identify smoked foods and liquid smoke

What are some key identifiers for telling if a dish was smoked manually rather than using liquid smoke i.e. taste, smell, visually etc. I'm curious about meats, veggies etc. What I already know: (...
Jade So's user avatar
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How do these flavors of liquid smoke differ?

When buying liquid smoke I'm generally faced with a choice of: Hickory Apple-tree Mesquite Pecan How do these differ? I'm interested in knowing things that'd help me decide what to pair them with.
noamt's user avatar
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How can I get the most smoke flavor from Lapsang Souchong tea?

When I open a bag of Lapsang Souchong tea, it has an overpowering aroma of pine smoke. After brewing, there is still a smokiness in my drink but it is far more subtle, and in particular seems to vary ...
Ray's user avatar
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Source of smoky flavor in salsa?

I'm experimenting with making my own salsa. I recently had some that had an interesting flavor, rather smoky. Is anyone aware of what might add this flavor? I'd like to add that flavor to my own salsa....
JustRightMenus's user avatar