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27 votes
2 answers

Israeli soda type drink

Recently I had this amazing drink in a "Israeli style bistro" in St Petersburg, Russia. I can't remember the exact name, something beginning with 'J', like Jollo, Jalla or something. It had a really ...
sem's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Are N2O and CO2 chargers interchangeable for culinary purposes?

Cream whippers seem to use N2O chargers. Soda siphons seem to use CO2 chargers. But both chargers appear to be physically identical. The MyPressi espresso device, which uses chargers to force water ...
jontyc's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

How long does unopened, room temperature pop last?

How long does a can of coca-cola last? Like a case of them, sitting in a room-temperature room. There is a date on the bottom (MAR1411), but what does that mean? I have a can with the World Cup on ...
Martin's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

What is club soda and how do I make it?

After many searches on the Google, I still can't find out how to make club soda. So, I have to ask the question - what is club soda exactly? I bought a iSi Soda Siphon and have figured out how to ...
mikebmassey's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

What can I substitute for soda pop in a sweet pork recipe?

I was looking up sweet pork recipes and every one of them call for Coke or Dr. Pepper. I avoid soda as much as possible because of questionable ingredients: specifically GMO corn syrup, sodium ...
Dianna Houx's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Letting batter with baking soda wait before adding into the oven

I want to bake a cake with 3 layers, but I only have one baking pan and thus I will have to bake them one by one (already thought about making one big cake and dividing it into 3 parts but I pref not ...
xiaofeng's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

Exploding or alcoholic soda

Well, I tried to follow a very simple recipe from "Cooking for Geeks" for Ginger Lemon Soda. I made a simple ginger syrup by cooking ~200g of chopped ginger together with 2 cups of sugar, then I ...
Lagerbaer's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How do you make peach soda?

I was at a local brewpub and they had made a peach soda. I have 5 gallon kegs to carbonate with, but how do you make peach soda?
Fanzoo's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How should I prepare kola nuts for creating a soft drink?

I have recently gotten into making my own soft drinks, and I would like to attempt making a cola. I found an online spice retailer that sells Kola Nut and bought some, but I have no real idea how to ...
baka's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Sodastream loses carbonation when adding syrup

I have a sodastream, and for the most part it makes great carbonated water. However, any time I try to use the flavoring syrups, my drink becomes completely flat. I do follow the instructions and only ...
user2913869's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Cake sinks in the middle when baking. Only happens when I make a Coca-Cola Cake

When making a coca-cola cake I follow the directions exactly. But when it comes out of the oven it appears all the miniature marshmellows went to the center and sank. Hard to frost when the middle ...
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4 votes
1 answer

Why does my soda fizz so much when making an ice cream float?

When pouring a standard glass of soda (usually Diet Pepsi), whether on ice or not, the soda fizzes a bit and quickly dies down. When pouring soda over ice cream (again, usually Diet Pepsi but also ...
Jacob's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to store Soda Water or other Home Made Sodas?

I have a SodaStream which I use to make soda water. My wife recently started purchasing very tasty, but relatively expensive soda drinks from the store, including "Rose Lemonade" (here: http://www....
Shamir Colloff's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why does my ice cream get crispy in my float?

I float my ice cream with Diet Pepsi. I'm always excited for when the ice cream gets crispy. It gets crispier when I use cold soda instead of room temperature. Is my soda freezing in the ice cream?
Jacob's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What's wrong with my iSi soda siphon, and how do I fix it?

I am the happy owner of a soda siphon which I've used for the last three years on a near-daily basis to make sparkling water for sundry use at home. It appears to be this model, though I've lost the ...
logophobe's user avatar
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4 votes
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What are the main flavours/aroma compounds of the Scottish soft drink "Irn-Bru" (Iron Brew)?

Those familiar with the Scottish soft drink Irn-Bru may be familiar with the marketing slogan: "made from girders." This is due to the drink's taste which some describe as having a metallic ...
WackGet's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Baking Powder, Baking Soda, and Yeast

I've read one cook say, "I add baking soda when I make bread using buttermilk. The buttermilk is acidic enough that it interferes with the environment that commercial yeast needs to reproduce well, ...
Julie Ham's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Where can I find or make Irish cream soda?

I had this when I was going to college and now I miss it a lot. It is a non alcoholic drink.
CodeToGlory's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Freezing temp of carbonated beverages

I sometimes put bottles of soda in the freezer for 20-30 minutes to get them near frozen (taste SO much better that way). If I time it just right I'll pull the bottle out and the liquid will appear ...
emh's user avatar
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Soda carbonation

With the process below, why wouldn't the yeast eat all the sugar or explode the bottle whichever comes first? How does the yeast eat the sugar to make carbonation, yet keep the soda sweet? Directions ...
Randy's user avatar
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Which type of charger for soda syphon batter

I'm looking for a recipe for batter using a soda siphon. Since the term soda siphon, as opposed to the cream whipper is used, I assumed the cartridges should be CO2. (The recipe doesn't say that.) I'...
RFlack's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How can I prevent coconut cream from curdling in a soda drink?

I've made Tom Kha soda syrup: simple syrup + coconut cream + lime leaves + lemongrass + galangal + a bit of lime juice to help preserve When I add a couple spoons of it to soda water and ice, it ...
lukecyca's user avatar
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5 answers

Why can soda be used as a substitute for eggs when using a boxed cake mix?

When making a cake from a box mix, I see that soda can be used instead of eggs and oil. What is the science behind this, and what are the properties of oil and eggs that the soda is replacing? Here'...
Kryptic's user avatar
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2 answers

Making soda with yeast

It is easy to make soda by adding sugar and yeast to a bottle of water and closing it tightly. However, checking different recipes, I did not get what is the best condition for this. I have a couple ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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Flavors in Fresca

I was trying to reproduce the flavors in Fresca without very much success. Supposedly it is a grapefruit-flavored drink, but in all honesty it doesn't taste like grapefruit to me, and when I make ...
Drisheen Colcannon's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Do sodastream PET bottles have normal 28mm threaded caps?

The question pretty much says it all. So far all of the bottles I have found have breaks in the threads which I've been told makes homemade sodas go flat faster. I was considering picking up some ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Does the foam head affect the taste of cola?

I was reading the other day about the importance of the head when pouring beer, and I wondered if there are any similar considerations when pouring cola's? I'm a huge fan of good Coke, and I'm just ...
mthorp's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I replicate the flavor of Mountain Dew?

Mountain Dew is often described as 'citrus' flavor but that is a broad range of fruits with infinite possible combinations. It does have orange juice in the ingredients, but also "natural flavor&...
Cos Callis's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Homemade Golden Ginger Ale

I recently made some homemade ginger ale. It was good, but it really tasted more like ginger beer. I was hoping for a flavor that tasted a bit more like golden ginger ale, sort of like Red Rock. It ...
ramblinjan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Scaled down batch of soda syphon batter

I want to make a smaller batch of a soda syphon batter recipe as a trial. The batter involves flour, vodka, honey and lager, and is put into a CO2 soda syphon. The full batch is too much for a trial ...
RFlack's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Can I make fermented lemon soda using yogurt cultures?

I'm trying to make a lemon soda using fermentation. Is it possible to make a lemon soda by mixing sugar, lemon, warm water and a scoop of live cultured yogurt? I put it inside a pressurize cooker, is ...
user741630's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How should soda made with "ginger bug" smell/taste?

I recently fermented a ginger soda using a ginger bug that I made. The bug seemed good to me - no funky mold growing on it, and it fizzled when I stirred it. The soda I made was good, but tasted extra ...
jmicrobe's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How to make club soda

What would be the proportions of potassium bicarbonate & potassium sulfate added to one litre of water before carbonating it?
Janet's user avatar
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Cooking rhubarb with soda

On a different question on rhubarb, a link to the wikipedia-page was posted. It is stated there that cooking rhubarb leaves with soda can make them more poisonous. Does the same hold true for cooking ...
Thaoden's user avatar
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1 vote
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Can lemon sodas go bad?

So, I just opened up a bottle of lemon-flavored soda that had been sitting in my family's garage for a few years, and I noticed that its flavor seemed different than it normally is. I wasn't sure if ...
nick012000's user avatar
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Can I make ginger bug from existing ginger beer, or from ginger beer yeast?

I was having trouble getting a ginger bug started from wild cultures, so I went ahead and bought a small amount of 'Ginger Beer Yeast'. I was hoping to get a more successful Ginger Bug started, either ...
Jww's user avatar
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0 answers

Why can you cook cake with soda? [duplicate]

I saw a Tumblr post, claiming that you can make a Betty Crocker cake with only a 12 oz can of soda. I tried it this morning and though I haven't eaten it yet, I think it worked. This is odd to me ...
Ethan Miller's user avatar
1 vote
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Why do grape sodas taste radically different between US and Europe? [duplicate]

I am talking about these super sugary artificially flavored sodas, or candies for that matter. When I was a child and we went from France to the United States, I had absolutely NO idea that I was ...
Thomas's user avatar
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1 answer

Expired diet soda tastes bitter

I have a few cans of diet soda that with a best-before date in 2023, and while some of them taste more-or-less normal, others taste bitter, almost like alcoholic beverages. Obviously, there's no ...
nick012000's user avatar
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