Questions tagged [stainless-steel]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Dosa on clad stainless steel pan

Has anyone had success at making dosa on a clad stainless steel pan? I mimicked the method for frying eggs on clad stainless steel (medium heat, when drops of water dance, add fat, spread room-...
user1823664's user avatar
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Is there any tri-ply cookware where all the steel is 18/0?

I like the characteristics of try-ply cookware but don't like cooking in 18/10 stainless steel because of the nickel (nickel allergy and concerns about persistent health effects). I notice that many ...
iLikeDirt's user avatar
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I recently purchased a wok from goodwill however I cannot figure out if it is carbon or stainless steel

I tested the wok with magnets and they stick, so aluminum is ruled out. It definitely is not cast iron, and it has a small “china” text etched into the small handle connector. Not a complete round ...
Compreturnum's user avatar
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La Classico Stainless Steel Stock Pot and Multi purpose steamer

Has anyone seen steamer without holes on the bottom but the holes are the side instead of the steam trays? The side of the trays is double layer to accommodate for the steam holes. I’m looking for ...
June Bogle's user avatar
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Double boiler sort of pan

I have a stainless steel sort of double boiler made in Israel, but the top only has one cylindrical steam vent sticking up about 3 inches off center. What would it be used for?
Barbara's user avatar