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Questions tagged [waffle]

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6 votes
1 answer

Coating to make waffle cones withstand hot liquid?

I'd like to use a waffle cone, like used for ice cream, to hold hot liquids. I assume without modification, the liquid would soften the cone and break through. Is there an edible coating I could put ...
johnny1bucket's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can I heat frozen waffles in the oven without a baking sheet?

Where I live I currently don't have a toaster, baking sheet, pan, or really anything that I could use as a container in the oven. I'm starving and I'd like to heat up some frozen waffles and was ...
John Smith's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Gluten-free waffles

I've been making gluten-free pancakes for some time (with varied, but usually good, success) and want to try my hand with waffles as I recently bought a waffle iron. I intend to use a slightly ...
Matt W's user avatar
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