Questions tagged [xanthan]

Xanthan gum is a food additive commonly used as an emulsifier, stabilizer, binder or thickener in a wide range of food products such as sauces, bakery products, beverages and others. Add this tag in questions about using xanthan gum in recipes, or about the ingredient itself.

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Coconut yoghurt too thick

I've been trying to make a creamy coconut yoghurt in an incubator. Ingredients: Water Coconut milk powder Small amount of store-bought coconut yoghurt The first time it came out too thin. The next ...
z0r's user avatar
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Adding xanthin gum to regular flour containing gluten

I'm using regular bread flour and adding additional gluten when making pizza dough to get a nice stretchy dough. Will adding xanthin gum provide any additional improvements to the texture when using ...
Avba's user avatar
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Cork-like flavour in "tasteless" Xanthan Gum

I recently discovered xanthan gum and bought a jar to try this amazing thickener for myself. When opening the jar I however noticed a slightly "corked" smell to the powder itself. I made a ...
Mats's user avatar
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Do gums have any nutritional value?

Do gums (e.g., xanthan, guar, cellulose, glucomannan) have any nutritional value, or do they pass undigested like chewing gum does? Are there known allergies to any gums?
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