wow, what a question.  Firstly, perhaps step away from the Bailey's idea, there are many type of coffee out there with 'add-ons', think of Cointreau for example.  However, many of these other liqueurs are not cream based.  Does that mean that the cream in Bailey's makes a difference...  I do not think so.  As stated above and copied from the usual website references on this site - there are a plethora of recipes out there.  So, to your question: 'Is Irish Coffee significantly harder to get right compared to Baileys Coffee?'.  No, whether you infuse your coffee with per-caremalized sugar, white, brown or any other type of sugar, use the back of spoon method, squirty cream or properly whipped cream you should be able to get the result that you are looking for.  It really isn't rocket science, however, and here is the caveat, when trying all the methods and recipes mentioned - I should be present - for health and safety reasons of course!