Moderate heat, eggs at room temperature, non-stick egg pan (8" is good, with gently sloping sides) with a tight lid. Melt butter in the egg pan until it stops foaming. Crack your eggs into a bowl so you've got more control when you add them to the egg pan. Cook uncovered until just the bottoms of the white are set, the tops of the whites should still be transparent. Add 1Tbs water for two eggs, cover, check after 45 seconds and give the eggs a jiggle to be sure they will slide neatly out of the pan. They may be ready at this point, they may need another 30 seconds to a minute. EDIT: I'm hungry anyway: ![mise en place][1] My pan isn't ideal, I'd rather have 8", this one is 10" but it has a lid. My eggs are at room temperature, I have butter ready and a tablespoon of water. A heat-proof rubber spatula is nice to have, but if everything goes right you don't even need it. I turn the heat to 1 click out of 10 below medium (YMMV [Your Mileage May Vary]). After giving the burner and pan a couple of minutes to heat up it should take room temperature butter about 10 seconds to fully melt an another 5 seconds to stop sizzling. ![butter sizzling][2] ![butter ready][3] One thing that I like about cracking eggs into a bowl first is that it allows me to better center the yolks. ![eggs start][4] The whites should start to become opaque almost immediately, but they shouldn't take on any brown color or be sizzling hard, just gently. Once the bottoms of the eggs are completely opaque (this should take less than 30 seconds), add the water and cover immediately. Now the eggs are steaming. ![steaming eggs][5] Fortyfive seconds and a jiggle later they're *just about there!* ![almost there!][6] 10 more seconds under the lid, slide onto the plate. Viola, completely set whites, completely runny yolks. ![done][7] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: