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For questions about cleaning kitchen equipment after use. Please also tag with type of equipment you're cleaning. Do not use for food preparation (washing produce, cleaning fish, etc), just use the tag for the food you're preparing

0 votes

How to clean a cast iron skillet that was used for an ash tray for about 30 years?

Use ammonia to dissolve the seasoning, if any. Scrub the cooking surface with steel or bronze wool. Wet or dry sandpaper can be used to remove any remaining residue. Re-season before using.
Mike Kelly's user avatar
1 vote

How to keep my stainless steel skillet clean

As suggested, deglaze with water to soften any residue and then let it soak. Then scrape with a plastic scraper (e.g., the plastic spatula) and then clean with a dishwashing brush or nylon scrubber. U …
Mike Kelly's user avatar