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For questions about chocolate as an ingredient. Also includes questions about the use of other cocoa-based products and questions about chocolate drinks.

5 votes

Chiquapin Chocolate?

The flavor and color of chocolate comes from roasting the bean and then grinding them. … Even carob when used to make a chocolate substitute has to rely on hydrogenated oils to produce a viable alternative. …
andleer's user avatar
  • 454
1 vote

Trouble tempering Valrhona Couverture Manjari (64%) Chocolate

Cooling the chocolate to 84F without contact to a cold(er) surface won't seed it well. You can also try adding rough shaved tempered chocolate in sufficient quantities during the 82F-84F state. … I worked in chocolate for 10 years but haven't for the past 15 and I may be losing my mind. These are the steps I would take if it were up to me. …
andleer's user avatar
  • 454
4 votes

Why doesn't chocolate go bad?

Most commercial chocolate does not have a shelf life. … Chocolate is high in fat and as such easily absorbs flavors and odors. 3) Storing chocolate in a cold location and then introducing it to "room temperature" will cause condensation on its surface. …
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