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Beef is the meat of adult cattle (cows & bulls). Use this tag for questions about selecting, identifying, storing, preparing, replacing or cooking with beef as an ingredient. Questions about dishes which include beef, but are not focused on beef, should not use this tag.

3 votes
1 answer

Why does the beef in Goulash need to be floured and brown before cooking?

In most recipes example from BBC, in making a Goulash, a step is to brown/fry lightly the beef in flour before the stewing steps. Why is this done? … Since the beef will be in a liquid it can't be to prevent drying. Is it to keep the form and texture of the beef? If you fry without the flour what difference is made? …
Vass's user avatar
  • 807
5 votes
3 answers

Are meatballs different from Hamburgers other than in terms of size?

The recipes in for meatballs and hamburgers have their variations, but a lot of overlap. Many look almost the same. Other than the cooking method and size, is there a fundamental difference that sets …
Vass's user avatar
  • 807
4 votes
1 answer

Why do my teriyaki steaks come out hard and dry?

I have tried to make Teriyaki steaks (beef) and they come out dry and hard. … I have tasted in a restaurant a Temaki corn/cone that had sliced Teriyaki beef steak in it which was splendid. I am trying to achieve that. I have tried frying and grilling but both come out hard. …
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  • 807