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Questions regarding facts about macro-nutrients within foods. Do not use for "what is healthy" or similar questions, which are off-topic.

1 vote
1 answer

Have the rules about the labelling of sugar content of drinks become more lax in the last ye...

ABout a year or two ago I looked at the nutritional information of various "no added sugar" squashes to determine which had the lowest sugar content. My recollection is that that all had the sugar co …
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4 votes

How does the UK nutrition "Traffic Light System" work?

With much government information they do not like to give us firm details of what they do. I have failed to find details of how they do it [1], but one way they could would be to assume a person ate …
User65535's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Where on the S Curve are the recommended yogurt fermentation times?

In this answer to a previous question of mine it was mentioned that the fermentation phase of yogurt making has 3 phases of growth - lag, logistic and plateau. This means that the growth rate follows …
User65535's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What is it about Malthouse flours that makes them so "special"?

I have recently started making bread in a breadmaker. I generally prefer the taste of white bread but for health reasons try to make loaves with as much fibre as possible. I have tried multiple flou …
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