Incorporating fruits in creme brulee
This is a tough question. Fresh fruit puree is very unsuitable for incorporating in custards if you want a strong flavor. It contains tons of water, and dilutes your creme brulee a lot, and also ...
How can a Bavarian cream that includes orange juice thicken with so much liquid?
The egg yolks can thicken the liquid when you heat it, like in a standard egg custard (the home made version, not the one made from custard powder). But this is a fairly tricky procedure: if you heat ...
chocolate creme anglaise is runny
What went wrong is that you mixed up your terms and made the wrong recipe.
There are many custards. The common thing is that they are all a liquid thickened by mixing it with egg yolks and cooking ...
Incorporating fruits in creme brulee
I've successfully cooked Creme Brulée with whole raspberries at the bottom. Perhaps you could use a similar strategy, e.g. put in halved strawberries (perhaps with the cut face against the bottom of ...
Incorporating fruits in creme brulee
My favourite solution to the problem is to infuse the cream with a Strawberry (or any flavour) tea (well technically infusion)
Here is the one I used but I suspect any would do. Just infuse overnight ...
What is the difference between crème anglaise and crème pâtissière?
In a nutshell, both have the same ingredients, except crème pâtissière also has flour in it. That is the main difference.
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