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210 votes

Why do grape-flavored foods taste different than actual grapes?

Concord grapes, which most grape jellies/jams/preserves in the US are made from, are derived from the (US-native) "fox grape" (Vitis labrusca) rather than (Europe-native) wine grape (Vitis vinifera). ...
R.M.'s user avatar
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71 votes

When a recipe asks to add spices to the oil, can you add the spices directly to the sauce for the same effect?

The effect will be different for a few reasons. When you add spices to hot oil, they cook at a considerably higher temperature (up to around 200°C) than in a simmering sauce (100°C as it's ...
Chris H's user avatar
  • 45.2k
55 votes

Confused about cayenne pepper, chili powder and paprika

Cayenne pepper powder comes from the cayenne pepper. It is hot/spicy, registering 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville units. Chilli powder, depending where you live, can mean anything between pure powdered ...
moscafj's user avatar
  • 77k
54 votes

Why do I need sugar syrup for slush?

It's a bit more complex than you think. You need the right amount of sugar for the correct texture. Harold McGee (1990) clarifies this in his excellent book, The Curious Cook." He writes, &...
moscafj's user avatar
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53 votes

Why does pistachio ice cream not taste like pistachio nuts?

Firstly, let me disagree and say that I have tasted some (amazing) pistachio ice creams that tasted very much like the actual nuts. That said, I can think of several reasons why the ice cream might ...
LSchoon's user avatar
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48 votes

Is there such a thing as a dish being bland from too many flavors?

I think the description you're looking for is what is often described as "muddy flavors" or "fighting flavors" or "muddled flavors" (though the latter is also a term used ...
AMtwo's user avatar
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43 votes

Why are certain fruit & veg bought in UK supermarkets tasteless?

Non-native and out of season fruits and vegetables that are available in northern countries (e.g. UK, Canada) need to be shipped from far away and will be picked before they are naturally ripe (under ...
Max's user avatar
  • 20.5k
41 votes

Why is my vegetable stock bitter, but the chicken stock not?

I notice that your recipe doesn't include any salt. That's important, because salt decreases the sensation of bitterness. Chicken contains a certain amount of salt, and I suspect that's making the ...
Sneftel's user avatar
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37 votes

Why are certain fruit & veg bought in UK supermarkets tasteless?

In addition to Max's answer, much UK supermarket fruits and vegetables are from varieties grown to have tough skins (so they don't damage in transit), have a long shelf life (so they can be ...
abligh's user avatar
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33 votes

If I want my garlic to taste in a very specific way (with bite or without bite) what should I do?

Garlic strength is mainly down to how much you cook the garlic, and how finely you chop it (different varieties of garlic notwithstanding). Simply put, the less you cook it and the finer you chop it, ...
ElendilTheTall's user avatar
28 votes

Why do grape-flavored foods taste different than actual grapes?

There are lots of types of grapes. Grape flavored items tend to be closer to concord grapes than a wine grape, or the green/red ones available at the grocery store.
Joe's user avatar
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28 votes

Is there such a thing as a dish being bland from too many flavors?

With your longer description, I can understand where you are coming from and why you don't like this version of the dishes (and also why somebody else might prefer them). But the term "bland"...
rumtscho's user avatar
  • 140k
28 votes

I’m doubling lemon juice in a no-bake pie recipe to make it extra sour. What can I add to make it less goopy?

More lemon juice is more liquid, which is likely the cause of your problems. If there's any other liquid in the recipe, you can try swapping it for the lemon juice, but it's possible that it might ...
Joe's user avatar
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27 votes

Can one be "taste blind" to the sweetness of stevia?

There's some variation in how people respond to Stevia: From 2013: Multiple genes manage how people taste sweeteners another study recently published in the journal Chemosensory Perception, Allen ...
Wayfaring Stranger's user avatar
26 votes

How does adding vanilla extract help make a milkshake if the ice cream is already vanilla?

Fundamentally the answer is just 'it is added for flavour; you can skip it if you want'. A few suggestions as to why it might be a good decision to add it: Vanilla flavour can be stronger or weaker, ...
dbmag9's user avatar
  • 12.1k
25 votes

Can I make gelatin from bones without beef flavor?

Intentions and expectations Could it be that you have some oversimplified ideas about making gelatine? I think that, if we look closely at what you are proposing, it is not practical at all. The ...
rumtscho's user avatar
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25 votes

What meat can I substitute for lamb in Scotch Broth?

I'm Scottish (and live in Scotland). Traditionally, Scotch broth was made using cheap cuts of mutton, often on-the-bone. I make this soup regularly in winter. It's real winter comfort food! However, ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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24 votes

Reduce Sweetness in Fudge

Traditional "fudge" gets its structure primarily from the sugar, which forms fine crystals; the texture of fudge is a stiff suspension of the sugar in the fat. So simply reducing the ...
Sneftel's user avatar
  • 30.3k
23 votes

Is there any advantage to cooking steak on the bone?

Well, many steak experts have held for years that bone-in steak just tastes better, something about that marrow being good. J. Kenji Lopez-Alt from Serious Eats tested that theory. He found that the ...
Jolenealaska's user avatar
  • 58.7k
23 votes

Confused about cayenne pepper, chili powder and paprika

They give a similar range of flavours, but in quite different proportions. They’re all made from ground roasted or dried red peppers of some kind, so all of them involve some amounts of spiciness (...
PLL's user avatar
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22 votes

How Does Wine Enhance Flavor?

The other answers make good points, but OP in comments keeps asking whether alcohol helps ingredients "release their flavor" more. And yes, it does. As to how it does so, one reason is simply ...
Athanasius's user avatar
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22 votes

Reduce Sweetness in Fudge

You can't make fudge less fudgy. Fudge is a concentrated mass of butter, sugar and milk, if you change the balance to reduce sweetness it will be too buttery, if you reduce the butter it's too sweet. ...
GdD's user avatar
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20 votes

When a recipe asks to add spices to the oil, can you add the spices directly to the sauce for the same effect?

As other answers have noted, stirring spices into the nearly-finished dish will give a different taste because frying something in oil is physically and chemically very different from boiling it in ...
David Richerby's user avatar
20 votes

How to get tofu to absorb flavour?

Speaking from personal experience: The only kind of tofu which is genuinely a "flavor sponge" is deep-fried tofu, which is sponge-like in several ways. Frozen and thawed tofu has a similar ...
FuzzyChef's user avatar
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18 votes

What are the effects of abstaining from eating a certain flavor?

You nailed the correct wording in your question - "we become accustomed to". We tend to get used to and like what we become accustomed to. For the same reason that we get used to overly salty things, ...
Cindy's user avatar
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17 votes

How do high-end restaurants promote such intense flavour in vegetables?

You actually answered your own question, it's the quality and freshness of the ingredients which makes the food in a great restaurant so good. A heritage variety beet which has been hand weeded and ...
GdD's user avatar
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17 votes

Why does pistachio ice cream not taste like pistachio nuts?

This adds a couple more slightly speculative reasons to L.Schoon's list, which I commend. Solubility: In ice cream, the pistachios are blended in with water and fats. When you eat them whole they're ...
Chris H's user avatar
  • 45.2k
16 votes

What are good ways to flavor water?

Lemon juice This one is fairly obvious and self-explanatory. Although the idea is mainly associated with highly sugarey lemonade, just a few drops of juice in a bottle of water and no extra sugar ...
leftaroundabout's user avatar
16 votes

What meat can I substitute for lamb in Scotch Broth?

I would think that, as this is a dish of humble origins, it would have been made with whatever meat was available. As such you could substitute pretty much any red meat. Beef or venison might suit as ...
bob1's user avatar
  • 16.2k
15 votes

Would it really be possible to cook a fish in clay?

Baking fish in clay is like baking the fish in an impromptu duch oven: it keeps the moisture inside the meat, unlike roasting the fish on a skewer. The clay should impart only very little flavour. If ...
Stephie's user avatar
  • 60.4k

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