7 votes

How to identify CTC tea?

Because of the process of producing CTC teas, they leaves have a hard, balled, granular appearance like the ones in the picture you linked. The primary place to find such tea leaves is inside tea ...
FuzzyChef's user avatar
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7 votes

How does the USDA grading system work?

A thorough introduction to the specific methods behind grading is found here. USDA beef grading has two primary components: a "quality" grade and a "yield" grade. Both are done for a whole carcass, ...
Athanasius's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the grades of Italian pasta?

After the clarifying comments, I think the question now boils down to reading the nutrition table and to the Italian classification of flour, in particular, durum since it's the most used for the ...
David P's user avatar
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2 votes

Tea leaf grades and plucking standards

The importance of leaf grade differs mainly between tea types and to a lesser extend between regions. For green tea picking is the most important. And the finer the pluck the more expensive it is. ...
Lisa at Teasenz.com's user avatar

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