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5 votes

Does boiling water deactivate malt enzymes?

Yes, heating to boiling temperature will destroy amylase. Depending on the ratio, the goal of that recipe may be to destroy the enzymes, to gel the starch, or to help the enzymes be most effective. It’...
Sneftel's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there such a thing as a single malt vodka?

I think you (and your friend) are confusing two similar terms. "Single Malt" - the making of spirit from a single type of grain by a produced by a single distiller (for whisky, that's ...
Catija's user avatar
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3 votes

Is Finger millet flour boiled in water safe to consume

Whether that’s “the correct method” is entirely a matter of opinion. But yes, boiling millet flour and water for two minutes would result in a food which is safe to consume. Millet does not contain ...
Sneftel's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I use diastatic malt in applications which call for non-diastatic?

diastatic malt powder is milled malt that hasn't been heated to deactivate the enzymes. To deactivate it to use as non-diastatic malt, heat to 130F/55C
pleasePassTheCheese's user avatar
2 votes

Safety of producing home malted flour

In Poland any grains need to be inspected when delivered from farmer to the company that buys and stores it. And then it is inspected few times more before it reaches fina consumer. If you bought it ...
Mołot's user avatar
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What is Ultralight Malt Extract and Light Malt Extract, and how do they compare to Dry Malt Extract?

It has to do with color, which matters when you are making beer, and not for most other uses of malt extract. The color (or lack therof) is from the malted grain being roasted or "kilned" to ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
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1 vote

Does simply grinding malt make diastatic malt powder?

Revision to original answer, I hadn't thought of this. No, you probably can't use beer-ready malt. From comments… Isn't malt already germinated though? Isn't that the whole point? The trouble with ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Can I use diastatic malt in applications which call for non-diastatic?

the question isnt 'how do i convert diastatic malt to non-diastatic malt?' the question is whether it's ok to use diastatic malt powder in lieu of non-diastatic malt powder, for example, in a ...
rbx's user avatar
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Will terrible things happen if I replace part or all of the refined sugar in this recipe with malt extract?

I don't know about the substitution of dry malt extract for refined sugar. I know that measure for measure they have very different apparent sweetness, protein content, etc... You said you have two ...
Derpy's user avatar
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Is there a way to tell if dry malt is diastatic or non-diastatic?

i havent seen a good home test for active enzymes comparing yeast activity with and without malt powder does not distinguish between diastatic and non-diastatic products, as non-diastatic malt powder ...
rbx's user avatar
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