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24 votes

Difference between burritos, chimichanga, and enchiladas?

An enchilada is a corn tortilla wrapped around some filling (often meat and/or cheese), covered in sauce. The sauce is really defining here: the word is derived from a verb meaning "to season with ...
Cascabel's user avatar
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22 votes

What can you do with leftover corn husks?

Options: Traditional: line the bottom of the tamale steamer basket with them. Modern: Steam something else in them, like halibut. Marie Kondo: Compost them.
FuzzyChef's user avatar
  • 65.5k
12 votes

Mole sauce without chocolate?

Mole is often made with unsweetened chocolate or cocoa powder. No added sugars are involved. (There is a tiny amount of natural sugar in the cacao, about 1%.) Chocolate is not absolutely necessary in ...
Joshua Engel's user avatar
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12 votes

What's the line between salsa and guacamole?

Part of the problem is that "salsa" doesn't mean just one thing to everyone. If you do a web search for "avocado salsa" you get images ranging from liquid to chunky: Similarly, ...
Catija's user avatar
  • 16.5k
11 votes

Mole sauce without chocolate?

I think you have three options. Mole doesn't require chocolate. Find a recipe that doesn't have any. This recipe on Epicurious doesn't have chocolate, though they address that by noting that their ...
Catija's user avatar
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9 votes

How to store freezer burritos?

Wrap them individually in cling-film. Then you can either box them or just pile them up.
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 29.9k
8 votes

What is queso (the sauce/dip)? Is it short for Chile con Queso?

Google is correct, in that it can be a shortening of 'chile con queso' (most typically in the US to non-spanish speakers). But 'chile' is not the same as 'chili'. 'Chile' refers to peppers, so the ...
Joe's user avatar
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8 votes

How can I keep tomatillos submerged in water during boiling?

Use a metal wire strainer turned upside down in a larger cooking pot so that the tomatillos can bob around in the water but always be under the surface. If for some reason the strainer doesn't stay ...
Steve Talbert's user avatar
7 votes

What's the line between salsa and guacamole?

I think what you are seeing is marketing speak. Many different manufacturers put out similar products but may call them by different names. From what I've seen, guacamole, guacamole dip, and avocado ...
Cindy's user avatar
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5 votes

What can I use instead of annatto?

There is no substitute here. You can use something else to give you a red/orange color, but annatto seed is the main ingredient and main flavor in achiote paste, so if you replace it, you aren't ...
Michael Natkin's user avatar
5 votes

How to dice tomatoes?

A different method, requires a little practise, but quick & easy once you have it. This method keeps the seeds, but loses the harder green bit where the stalk was attached. This is the quickest ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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5 votes

What is queso (the sauce/dip)? Is it short for Chile con Queso?

Translated to English, queso means cheese. There are many kinds of Mexican cheeses and most are widely available. The popular cheese dip, chile con queso, is melted cheese with chile peppers. Some ...
Cindy's user avatar
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4 votes

How to dice tomatoes?

What I've been doing lately for large batches is using a food processor or blender. Specifically I've been using a Ninja blender that was about $70. I cut the tops off the tomatoes and sometimes cut ...
Ryan Elkins's user avatar
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4 votes

Why is my masa mushy?

I know this thread is way old but I did just find it šŸ˜€It took me years to figure out that it was my meat filling that was too wet, making my tamales take forever to steam.
Christa's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there an alternative wrapping for tamales?

My mom (from Guadalajara) used to often wrap them in parchment paper, since it can withstand being heated/steamed. I don't know why she started doing it - probably because it annoyed her that the ...
Betsy Jimenez's user avatar
4 votes

What is queso (the sauce/dip)? Is it short for Chile con Queso?

It depends on the region and the context. If my wife sends me to store for hamburger I know she means packaged ground beef. At a restaurant if I order hamburger I will get a cooked patty with a ...
paparazzo's user avatar
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4 votes

Substitute nixtamalized corn flour for corn meal + corn starch

I don't think that substitution will work out as you wanted. Nixmatalization changes the composition of the corn hull, the treatment weakens the tough outer shell and generally makes it very ...
Megha's user avatar
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4 votes

What ingredient(s) available in the UK would make a passable alternative to epazote?

Obviously, if you can find real, fresh epazote at a local spice vendor's, go get it, it's a lovely herb. It is definitely not an herb that I would recommend bothering to substitute if you have access ...
Jacob Stai's user avatar
4 votes

How do green jackfruit and hearts of palm compare for vegan pulled pork/carnitas/barbecue?

As a veg/vegan for 24 years, I've used both and prefer jackfruit. Hearts of palm typically come canned and quickly turn to mush if you do anything but slice them up. Whereas jackfruit has a much ...
Whitney's user avatar
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4 votes

Tortilla press geometry problems

With no pictures of your press it is hard to make suggestions. But assuming your press has metal plates with loops and a pin for the hinge, and if you can take it apart, you might be able to lengthen ...
Oklahoma Joe's user avatar
4 votes

How can I make corn tortillas as thin as store bought?

There are a variety of reasons your tortillas might be thicker than you'd like. My first tip to you is to line your tortilla press with a thick plastic sheet on each side instead of paper; I use a ...
FuzzyChef's user avatar
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4 votes

How do taco trucks get their soft taco shells to have a slightly oily texture and more complex taste?

The oily texture is from the oil. The normal way to heat corn tortillas for tacos, to make them soft and foldable without weakening them, is to briefly heat them on an oiled flattop grill. The ...
Sneftel's user avatar
  • 30.3k
4 votes

Better way to peel chiles de agua for rellenos?

Well, a few miscellaneous thoughts, from someone who has routinely had to substitute utterly unacceptable peppers in chiles rellenos: The more tender the pepper, the faster you've got to be with the ...
Sneftel's user avatar
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3 votes

Why does my horchata have too much sediment?

The softer rice is, the easier the mix can be homogeneus. You left it 3+ hours after blending it, other ones left it 1-12 hours before crushing it on a blender. Some use mortar and pestle (There are ...
Christian Læirbag's user avatar
3 votes

How do I keep my enchiladas from getting soggy when they cook?

To avoid sogginess the restaurant that I worked at, and probably all others, avoid baking sauce on the enchiladas in a dish. Cook and heat you're assembled enchiladas in the oven but here's the key. ...
Dave's user avatar
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3 votes

Tamales with rendered turkey fat and clarified butter - No pork?

I recommend clarifying the butter first, and then using it for your tamales. Butter is about 16-18% water, which could significantly affect the fat content of the dish. If you do that, it should work ...
ChefAndy's user avatar
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3 votes

Cracked Mexican/Spanish style rice

I will give you my tips and recipe. The best rice for mexican recipes is Ā«arroz tipo morelosĀ» (morelos state rice). When I cook this rice I do the following: 1.5 cups of arroz morelos 2 tomatoes ...
Idealdo Félix's user avatar
3 votes

What's the difference between fajitas, enchiladas and tacos?

note: I am a native English speaker, but some Spanish helps here. a Native speaker will probably correct me on at least part of this: Enciliada - " in Chile"-- A tortilla soaked/covered in some ...
Randolph Howell's user avatar
3 votes

Mexican Cheese Sauce?

They probably don't do this, but if you ever want a nice melty cheese sauce look into adding some sodium citrate to the mix, it helps prevent the cheese from coagulating and gives a very smooth melty ...
Sdarb's user avatar
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3 votes

When do I freeze tamales?

In response to when you should freeze your tamales; I have been making tamales with my family since I was a child. We assembly our tamales and put a dozen of them in a freezer bag. We freeze them ...
Annie's user avatar
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