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45 votes

Can you shred raw potatoes to make mashed potatoes?

Shredding the potatoes raw will release too much calcium and disrupt too many cells, similar to pureeing them. You can definitely give it a try, though the end result will likely have a firmer gelled ...
borkymcfood's user avatar
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22 votes

Can you make Sous Vide Steak in a Pressure Cooker?

I'm afraid you have gotten something wrong. Sous-vide and pressure cooking are, as far as food physics is concerned, on the opposite ends of the scale. Pressure cooking allows you to increase the ...
Stephie's user avatar
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21 votes

Sous Vide ribs -- can't eat for 2 days... best choice?

Pull them out on time. Cool them rapidly in an ice bath. The rapid cooling is for food safety reasons rather than any affect on the cooking. Reheat them for cooking however you were going to finish ...
yossarian's user avatar
  • 19.1k
19 votes

What's the trick to seal sous vide foil if liquid contained

I would say that having lots of liquid makes your life easier, not more difficult, because you don't need the vacuum at all. The purpose of the vacuum is to have heat conduction take place properly. ...
rumtscho's user avatar
  • 140k
18 votes

Would sous vide-ing tomatoes result in a deeply caramelised tomato sauce?

It would not caramelize for sure, as caramelization occurs between 110 and 180 degrees celsius depending on the particular sugar - well over the boiling point of water, which is your maximum sous-vide ...
Joe M's user avatar
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18 votes

Sous vide chicken without an internal temperature of 165 °F (75 °C)

The reduction of bacterial growth, and thus food safety, follow a logarithmic pattern that factors in temperature plus time. During sous vide cooking, lower temperature are frequently used for longer ...
moscafj's user avatar
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17 votes

Sous Vide Frustrations

For your steaks, 5 minutes of searing seems like a pretty long time, easily enough to go from medium-rare to medium, or even more than that, depending on thickness and exactly how hot the pan is. It's ...
Cascabel's user avatar
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14 votes

Can I fill my sous vide container completely full?

No, that doesn't sound good. The circulating water is what transfers heat efficiently to everything, making sure the water is the same temperature everywhere. If the flow is obstructed that can't ...
Cascabel's user avatar
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13 votes

Is it advisable to sous vide in "steam fresh" bags?

No, those bags are not completely sealed. They are designed to let steam escape, therefore they are not watertight, if you put them in your sous vide machine they'd get waterlogged.
GdD's user avatar
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11 votes

Would sous vide-ing tomatoes result in a deeply caramelised tomato sauce?

I would say no. Carmelization requires high heat. Sous Vide is the opposite of that - low, slow heat. Here's some info on it from Science of Cooking. Caramelization or caramelisation (see ...
Catija's user avatar
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11 votes

What's the trick to seal sous vide foil if liquid contained

A trick I use is to freeze the liquid into flat pieces and put the frozen marinade in the bags before sealing. Once the liquid thaws you can then squish it around the food in the bag. The same ...
GdD's user avatar
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10 votes

Sous vide pasteurization for pregnant wife

Pasteurization is the process of heating food to kill pathogenic bacteria, rendering it safe to eat. Pasteurization is a function of temperature and time. Using sous vide, one could easily have a ...
moscafj's user avatar
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10 votes

sous vide producing inedible food because of fat not rendered

Sous vide is simply a tool. It's not the correct one for every job. Rendering fat is generally a problem because of the low temperatures used. What was the final result you had in mind? If you ...
moscafj's user avatar
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10 votes

What's the trick to seal sous vide foil if liquid contained

I am assuming you are using a simple consumer vacuum sealer. It is not uncommon for these devices to struggle with sealing a very wet product. Here are a few things that might help, although I cannot ...
LSchoon's user avatar
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9 votes

It's adequate to clean egg shell to cook with it?

Basic food safety dictates that you always start with a clean product, no matter what you are using or how you are cooking it. For your eggs, simply rinse with clean water, or place in a bowl of ...
moscafj's user avatar
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8 votes

Why are my sous vide salmon fillets coming out raw in the center?

You said you purchased the fillets at Trader Joe's. TJs sells the fillets frozen. My guess is that the salmon wasn't fully defrosted before you put it in the water bath. Given that the salmon ...
A.Primus's user avatar
8 votes

Is there any point in considering sous vide for unskilled newbie cook?

I'm a fan of sous vide, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't make a good present. Sous vide is mainly a technique for improving quality, not speeding up already fast dishes. It can also help move the ...
derobert's user avatar
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8 votes

How long is too long for sous vide steak

When cooking low temperature, over time the texture of the protein that you are cooking changes. For a tough cut, like a shank, or short rib, this is desirable, and where you would see cooking times ...
moscafj's user avatar
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8 votes

Why does meat go bad after 1 month sous vide at 55-60C ( 131 - 141F)

40-140F is the danger zone of high growth rate for bacteria. 60-120F is the extremely high zone. 55C is only 131F and not even out of the high growth rate area, 60C it at the edge right at 140. ...
dlb's user avatar
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8 votes

Electric cooktop for sous vide-level precision?

Absolutely not, this cannot be built. There is a reason sous vide is called sous vide and not sous PID. Cooktops are, by design, a device that emits a constant amount of energy (oversimplified) into ...
rumtscho's user avatar
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8 votes

Re-heat Sous Vide Roast Beef

Leave sealed in bag, but be sure to cool as quickly as possible (ice bath and stirring). Refrigerate. Reheat, sous vide, in bag. It will take at least 3 hours to reheat. You will need the time it ...
moscafj's user avatar
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7 votes

Smoker or Sous Vide first?

Smoke first, then sous vide. There are a few reasons as to why you could smoke first: (i) It has been shown that cold food/meat will take on smoke flavor better than warm meat (Source: AmazingRibs) ...
Jin's user avatar
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7 votes

Sous vide chicken without an internal temperature of 165 °F (75 °C)

The other answers are correct regarding why that temperature is okay for sous vide, but I just want to clarify why it's not good enough when using other cooking methods. As moscafj suggested, you ...
Mike's user avatar
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7 votes

Why does meat go bad after 1 month sous vide at 55-60C ( 131 - 141F)

In addition to @dlb's answer - there are a huge range of bacteria present in our food sources - many of these are capable of growing at higher temperatures than normal food safety requirements reach. ...
bob1's user avatar
  • 16.3k
6 votes

Sous vide: why do cylindrical / cylinder-like and spherical / sphere-like foods cook faster than slab-like?

A picture really helps here: There's your slab, cylinder, and sphere with the same thickness. The time to cook does depend on thickness, since that's the distance the heat has to travel from the ...
Cascabel's user avatar
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6 votes

It's adequate to clean egg shell to cook with it?

When raising eggs, rules for cleaning eggs for sale varies drastically by jurisdiction. In the US for instance, the USDA issues guides, but actual rules are set by each state and many have rules ...
dlb's user avatar
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6 votes

Are long brines neccesary for sous vide?

Typically brines are for tenderizing and penetrating flavour into the meat. The use of the brine would be to break down the tough meat Though a sous vide does tenderize mildly with the long cooking ...
Jade So's user avatar
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6 votes

Is it advisable to sous vide in "steam fresh" bags?

No, in addition to the valid reasons offered by @GdD sous vide relies on conduction to transfer heat from the water into the food being cooked. "Steam Fresh" bags are not vacuum sealed. The air in the ...
Cos Callis's user avatar
  • 18.3k
6 votes

Why does Anova sous vide tell me to cook salmon to unsafe temperatures

A fair amount of cooks and recipes disagree with the official guidelines when it comes to salmon's desired cooking temperature. The 145F guideline applies to all fish and shellfish, and is meant as a ...
mech's user avatar
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6 votes

Sous vide chicken without an internal temperature of 165 °F (75 °C)

The link says for "soft" chicken you should let it go to 140 °F (60 °C) for 1.5 to 4 hours. You checked at 1 hour and it was below that (130 °F (54 °C)) ... so you need to cook it some more. This ...
Max's user avatar
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