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75 votes

Can meat spoil outside the fridge if it's baked into bread as a filling?

There are two differences between your buns and a tin can. First, your buns were heated to a core temperature of under 100°C. Yes, your oven was probably set way higher, but the water content in your ...
Stephie's user avatar
  • 60.5k
62 votes

Why is putting hot milk in a thermos not recommended?

The cleaning is one thing (there are flasks without hidden crevices that can be easily cleaned), but there’s also another point to consider: A thermos flask that is doing its job will keep food warm, ...
Stephie's user avatar
  • 60.5k
62 votes

Is there a reason to not grate cheese ahead of time?

You should only grate cheese as needed, particularly the cheeses you mention. When you grate cheese you create more surface area. That is more surface exposed to air and oxidation, which will ...
moscafj's user avatar
  • 77k
62 votes

I accidentally put my canned tuna in the fridge

It is perfectly safe. You've got a pasteurized product that is shelf stable while the can remains sealed. All you did was make it colder for a few hours. This is not a safety issue at all.
moscafj's user avatar
  • 77k
39 votes

Why store food in an airtight container when it's in the fridge?

Airtight packaging doesn't slow down bacteria growth. There are a few myths about them which don't apply in practice: Bacteria are not kept out, despite popular belief – the air within the container ...
rumtscho's user avatar
  • 140k
35 votes

How to know if blackberries are safe to eat?

As soon as you get them home, inspect for damaged berries & discard any that are not perfect. Wash the rest in a colander or sieve under cold running water. Drain well. Spread on dry paper towel ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 29.9k
32 votes

Repackaging shelf-stable products

Exposure to germs is the problem, once you open these they are exposed and the clock starts. If you vacuum seal you are vacuum sealing the germs in with the food, and not taking steps to kill the ...
GdD's user avatar
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32 votes

Can you store frozen dinners in the refrigerator for up to a week before eating them?

I wouldn't recommend it for a couple of reasons: Food in general degrades much faster in the fridge than in the freezer, so you risk spoilage during that time. Most prepared foods are not ...
Joe's user avatar
  • 81.6k
27 votes

Is it safe to store dry food products under the sink?

Your concerns would be moisture, insects and/or rodents. Simply put your products in airtight containers. You'll be just fine. (By the way, my mom always stored onions and potatoes under the sink).
moscafj's user avatar
  • 77k
25 votes

What is the best practice storage method for flour to avoid bugs?

Based on my personal experience of living in a 100-year-old apartment building, where both pantry moths and flour beetles were basically chronic: The freezer will prevent bugs more effectively than ...
FuzzyChef's user avatar
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25 votes

What is the best way to store potatoes?

Potatoes last best when stored in a cool, dry place between 45°F/7°C and 55°F/13°C, so a basement is often your best shot if you have one. Keeping them dry and giving them airflow is important so they ...
GdD's user avatar
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23 votes

Can meat spoil outside the fridge if it's baked into bread as a filling?

I don't know about chicken specifically, but pork filled baozi (steamed buns) need to be stored in the refrigerator. Bread crust isn't exactly non-porous after all (squeeze a bun, the air doesn't ...
LightBender's user avatar
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21 votes

Mothballs in food cabinets

Mothball is a mild poison. msds Contamination via vapor to food may only be mildly toxic but not a good idea. You can keep food in unopened cans and air tight glass containers. Wipe them down ...
paparazzo's user avatar
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21 votes

How do I store ready-to-eat salad better?

I agree that it's very likely the fridge. Beside it swinging too wildly, there can be another problem though: too cold. I've seen people, especially Americans, turning fridges down as cold as they ...
rumtscho's user avatar
  • 140k
21 votes

Does the volume of air in an air tight container affect food shelf life?

Yes, but it’s not so much about mold and bacteria, but about oxygen. Oxygen availability results in deterioration of some foods via chemical reactions. Some packaged foods, especially those intended ...
Joe's user avatar
  • 81.6k
20 votes

Is there a reason to not grate cheese ahead of time?

While you don't want to grate the cheese and store it in the fridge, as moscafj's answer says, there is a way you can grate all the parmesan, store it, and use it as needed - just keep it in the ...
BauerPower's user avatar
19 votes

How can I keep large packs of ham fresh longer?

The only sensible way is put them into the freezer: Shortly after purchase, package it into lots that are suitable for eating within a couple of days of thawing. Place packets into a freezer and thaw ...
bob1's user avatar
  • 16.2k
18 votes

Is there a reason to not grate cheese ahead of time?

Short answer: Grated cheese goes moldy quickly. Long answer: We regularly grate cheese and pack them in vacuum bags in larger quantities. They usually go moldy within a week or two, even in the fridge....
ManuelAtWork's user avatar
16 votes

Why is putting hot milk in a thermos not recommended?

It depends on the design. Some can't be washed properly, and milky liquids are much harder to clean off by rinsing than water or most water-based drinks My genuine Thermos brand flask wouldn't be a ...
Chris H's user avatar
  • 45.2k
16 votes

Soda water first stored in refrigerator and then at room temperature

If it's unopened it will stay perfectly fine, cold or warm, until the Best Before date printed on it. It doesn't need refrigerating until opened - unless, of course, you want to drink it cold ;)
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 29.9k
16 votes

What is the best way to store cucumbers? Do I refrigerate or not refrigerate?

For maximum life, refrigerate them wrapped in a dry paper towel inside a plastic produce bag, in the produce drawer. If you have more than 3 cucumbers, ideally store every 3 cucumbers in separate ...
FuzzyChef's user avatar
  • 65.5k
15 votes

How does sunlight degrade cooking oil?

The main enemy of oil is oxidation, which is the reaction of the constituent molecules with oxygen. How fast oxidation occurs will depend on the type of oil you consider. For example, unsaturated fat ...
greedyscholars's user avatar
15 votes

Why store food in an airtight container when it's in the fridge?

In addition to keeping odors contained and limiting the possibility of cross-contamination, oxygen degrades the quality of food. Oxygen also supports aerobic spoilage organisms. So, limiting air ...
moscafj's user avatar
  • 77k
15 votes

Is it advisable to cook cilantro or mint leaves and store them, instead of blanching them?

No, it is certainly not advisable. Cooking reduces the fridge life of plants. If you cook your herbs, they will only last 3 days in the fridge. Besides, you will also change the taste, and not for ...
rumtscho's user avatar
  • 140k
15 votes

Should I refrigerate or freeze unopened canned food items?

If you can keep the temp below 85 °F (30 °C) you should be fine. There is no harm in placing your cans in the refrigerator, and I think this would be your best bet if you have the space. I would not ...
moscafj's user avatar
  • 77k
14 votes

Mothballs in food cabinets

Even if it safe, it is unlikely to be anywhere near palatable. Throw the food out, clean the cupboards, ventilate them well for a few days, then don't put food back in until all smell of mothball has ...
canardgras's user avatar
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13 votes

Is ok to have boxes of raw chicken stacked on top of each other

This should be fine if there is no other food below the chicken wings. What you don't want is for the chicken to be in a position to contaminate other foods. General food service guide lines include: ...
Debbie M.'s user avatar
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11 votes

Do spice containers need to be hermetic?

Based on my understanding of physics I would say: Opaque over airtight. Things you don't want in a spice container are: convection. An open container is essentially an invitation for the spices to ...
Kempeth's user avatar
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11 votes

Freeze or refrigerate bread?

Methods, from best to worst (assuming the bread is in a sealed plastic bag): Freezing Room temperature Refrigerating According to the FAQs for Dave's Killer Bread, which does not use preservatives: ...
Geremia's user avatar
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11 votes

Store raw broccoli

If the broccoli come wrapped in plastic, leave them wrapped until you consume them. As can be read in this interesting blog (in Italian), broccoli are among the veggies with the highest gas exchange ...
L.Dutch's user avatar
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