I'm a professional software developer building desktop application software and websites based on Laravel. I am strong in several languages, including Delphi, PHP and Javascript...but I've been at this long enough that I am conversant in a bunch of other languages.
I'm the CTO of WaveRFID (https://waverfid.net) a SAAS product handling inventory management of optical and medical practices using RFID tags to track existing inventory. This reduces inventory count time from 8 hours to 10 minutes.
For a good time, I cook. I've been cooking for years, professionally around the time of going to college, for the love of it since I was a kid. I am a software designer by day, but kitchen nut by night.
I'm currently learning to cook using Indian spices.
My project is cookloose.com. My goal is to have a place where brand new people can come to learn how to cook the basics. There are lots of places to get details (including here) but very few places that assume you know nothing about cooking at all. I want to help the people who would like to learn to cook, but are too overwhelmed by all the foodie stuff in the world to think that they can ever be "good enough" to cook.